
由网友(淡笑、此时的颓废)分享简介:我工作的一个免费的code阵营的问题 - 的 HTTP://www.free$c$ccamp.com/challenges/bonfire-no-repeats-please I'm working on a Free Code Camp problem - http://www.freecodecamp.com/...

我工作的一个免费的code阵营的问题 - 的 HTTP://www.free$c$ccamp.com/challenges/bonfire-no-repeats-please

I'm working on a Free Code Camp problem - http://www.freecodecamp.com/challenges/bonfire-no-repeats-please

问题说明如下 -

返回提供串的总排列数即   没有连续重复字母。例如,AAB应当   返回2,因为它有6个总排列,但只有2人不   具有相同的信(在这种情况下,'a')的重复

Return the number of total permutations of the provided string that don't have repeated consecutive letters. For example, 'aab' should return 2 because it has 6 total permutations, but only 2 of them don't have the same letter (in this case 'a') repeating.


I know I can solve this by writing a program that creates every permutation and then filters out the ones with repeated characters.


But I have this gnawing feeling that I can solve this mathematically.

第一个问题,然后 - ?我可以

First question then - Can I?

第二个问题 - ?如果是的话,我可以用什么公式

Second question - If yes, what formula could I use?

要进一步阐述 -


The example given in the problem is "aab" which the site says has six possible permutations, with only two meeting the non-repeated character criteria:


aab aba baa aab aba baa


The problem sees each character as unique so maybe "aab" could better be described as "a1a2b"

是测试针对此问题如下(返回满足条件排列的数量) -

The tests for this problem are as follows (returning the number of permutations that meet the criteria)-

"aab" should return 2
"aaa" should return 0
"abcdefa" should return 3600
"abfdefa" should return 2640
"zzzzzzzz" should return 0


I have read through a lot of post about Combinatorics and Permutations and just seem to be digging a deeper hole for myself. But I really want to try to resolve this problem efficiently rather than brute force through an array of all possible permutations.

我贴这个问题上math.stackexchange - http://math.stackexchange.com/q/1410184/264492

I posted this question on math.stackexchange - http://math.stackexchange.com/q/1410184/264492

要解决只有一个字符重复的情况下,数学是pretty的小事 - 字符的总数减去可用空间乘以重复的字符数的阶乘

The maths to resolve the case where only one character is repeated is pretty trivial - Factorial of total number of characters minus number of spaces available multiplied by repeated characters.

在AAB= 3! - 2! * 2! = 2 在abcdefa= 7! - 6! * 2! = 3600


But trying to figure out the formula for the instances where more than one character is repeated has eluded me. e.g. "abfdefa"



Here's one way to think about it, which still seems a bit complicated to me: subtract the count of possibilities with disallowed neighbors.

例如 abfdefa

There are 6 ways to place "aa" or "ff" between the 5! ways to arrange the other five 
letters, so altogether 5! * 6 * 2, multiplied by their number of permutations (2).

Based on the inclusion-exclusion principle, we subtract those possibilities that include
both "aa" and "ff" from the count above: 3! * (2 + 4 - 1) choose 2 ways to place both
"aa" and "ff" around the other three letters, and we must multiply by the permutation
counts within (2 * 2) and between (2).

So altogether,

7! - (5! * 6 * 2 * 2 - 3! * (2 + 4 - 1) choose 2 * 2 * 2 * 2) = 2640


I used the formula for multiset combinations for the count of ways to place the letter pairs between the rest.

这可能实现一些改进的蛮力溶液A一般化的方法是列举与重复交织字母的方式和然后乘以方式进行分区周围的其余部分,考虑到必须填写的空间。本例中, abfdefa ,可能是这个样子:

A generalizable way that might achieve some improvement over the brute force solution is to enumerate the ways to interleave the letters with repeats and then multiply by the ways to partition the rest around them, taking into account the spaces that must be filled. The example, abfdefa, might look something like this:

afaf / fafa  =>  (5 + 3 - 1) choose 3  // all ways to partition the rest
affa / faaf  =>  1 + 4 + (4 + 2 - 1) choose 2  // all three in the middle; two in the middle, one anywhere else; one in the middle, two anywhere else
aaff / ffaa  =>  3 + 1 + 1  // one in each required space, the other anywhere else; two in one required space, one in the other (x2)


Finally, multiply by the permutation counts, so altogether:

2 * 2! * 2! * 3! * ((5 + 3 - 1) choose 3 + 1 + 4 + (4 + 2 - 1) choose 2 + 3 + 1 + 1) = 2640

