
由网友(坐在坟地看星星)分享简介:有人问我一个有趣的问题,在我的采访,在Atrenta公司。这是一个包含有一个O(n)的复杂性,我说的是不可能的排序,但他坚持说,即使在面试后。I was asked an interesting question at my interview at Atrenta. It was to sort an array...


I was asked an interesting question at my interview at Atrenta. It was to sort an array with an complexity of O(n) which I said is not possible but he insisted it is, even after the interview.



You have an array, lets say : [1,0,1,0,1,1,0] and this needs to be sorted. What ever has to be done within the array (in the sense no other data structure involved.

我没有,我不认为这是可以做到任何形式用的O(n)的复杂性。我能想到的最好的为O(n * log n)的,我的知识来源于维基百科。

I haven't and I don't think it is possible to do any sort with an complexity of O(n). The best I could think of is O(n * log n) and my knowledge comes from Wikipedia.


Please give me your ideas and well a way to do it if you know.



In your example there are only two different values in the array, so you could use counting sort:

zero_count = 0
for value in array:
    if value == 0:
        zero_count += 1
for i in 0 ... zero_count:
    array[i] = 0
for i in zero_count ... array.size:
    array[i] = 1


Radix sorts are a family of more generally applicable O(n) sorts.

这是比较各种需要欧米茄的(N * log n)的平均值比较,因此不能运行在最坏情况或平均情况的线性时间。

It is comparison sorts that require Omega(n * log n) comparisons on average and hence cannot run in worst-case or average-case linear time.


