
由网友(孤独劣人)分享简介:网走(50分):你是坐落在一个N维网格在位置(X_1,X2,...,x_N)。网格的尺寸(D_1,D_2,...... D_N)。在一个步骤中,您可以在 N 尺寸中的任何一个提前或错后走一步。 (所以总有 2N 可能不同的动作)。有多少种方法可以你把 M 步骤,你不要离开电网在任何时候?你离开的网格,如果你的任何...

网走(50分): 你是坐落在一个N维网格在位置(X_1,X2,...,x_N)。网格的尺寸(D_1,D_2,...... D_N)。在一个步骤中,您可以在 N 尺寸中的任何一个提前或错后走一步。 (所以总有 2N 可能不同的动作)。有多少种方法可以你把 M 步骤,你不要离开电网在任何时候?你离开的网格,如果你的任何 x_i ,或者 x_i< = 0或x_i> D_i

输入: 第一行包含测试用例 T 的数量。 T 测试案例可循。对于每个测试的情况下,第一行包含 N M ,第二行包含 X_1 ,X_2 ...,x_N 和第三行中包含 D_1,D_2,......,D_N

因此​​,在上述溶液中,我试图把一维数组。 该网站声称 38753340 是答案,但我没有得到它。

 公共类GridWalking {

    / **
     * @参数ARGS
     * /
    公共静态无效的主要(字串[] args){

        尝试 {

            长ARR [] =新长[78];
            长POS = 44;
            长卡米尔= 287;

            / *
             *双ARR [] =新的双[3];双POS = 0;双卡米尔= 5;
             * /

            双VAL =计算(ARR,POS,卡米尔);





        如果(calculated.containsKey(POS ++卡米尔)){
            返回calculated.get(POS ++卡米尔);
        如果(0 ==卡米尔){

            calculated.put(POS ++卡米尔,新的双(1));

        如果(POS == arr.length  -  1){

            双B =计算(ARR,POS  -  1,卡米尔 -  1);

            双RET = B;
            calculated.put(POS ++卡米尔,新的双(RET));

        如果(POS == 0){
            双B =计算(ARR,POS + 1,卡米尔 -  1);

            双RET = B;
            calculated.put(POS ++卡米尔,新的双(RET));

        双A =计算(ARR,POS + 1,卡米尔 -  1);
        双B =计算(ARR,POS  -  1,卡米尔 -  1);

        双RET =(A + B);
        calculated.put(POS ++卡米尔,RET);



我已经尝试解决了电网行走问题Hackerrank。这是曾(在ecclipse ATLEAST)在code。但我唐诺,为什么它不给出答案匹配。坚果我想你可以从它那里得到的想法。因为它不使用递归,以执行时间上的问题。

 进口java.io. *;
导入的java.text *。
导入的java.math *。

    静态诠释计数= 0;
    公共静态无效的主要(字串[] args)抛出FileNotFoundException异常{
        字符串文件名=SRC / testcases.txt; //测试用例只是一个输入包含文件
        // ------------------------------------------------ -----------------
        INT T = in.nextInt();
        对于(INT T = 0; T< 1;吨++){
            INT N = in.nextInt();
            INT M = in.nextInt();的System.out.println(M =+ M);
            INT [] X =新INT [N];
            长最大= 1000000007;
            INT [] D =新INT [N];
            对(INT I = 0; I&所述N; i ++在)x [I] = in.nextInt();
            对(INT I = 0; I&所述N;我+ +)D [I] = in.nextInt();
            INT的Dmax = D [0];
            INT DTOTAL = 1;
            对(INT I = 0; I&所述N;我+ +)如(的Dmax&所述; D [I])的Dmax = D [I];
            的for(int i = 0; I&n种;我++)×[我]  - ;
            对(INT I = 0; I&所述N;我+ +)DTOTAL * = D [I];字段//总数
            长[] mainarray =新长[DTOTAL]
            长[] mainarraynext =新长[DTOTAL]
            INT [] [] =方式新INT [N] [的Dmax];
            INT临时[] =新的INT [N];
            为(中间体H = 0; H小于10; H ++){

                对于(INT J = 0; J< D​​TOTAL; J ++){
                    mainarraynext [J] = getsum(逆(J,D),mainarray,D);
                对于(INT J = 0; J< D​​TOTAL; J ++){
                    mainarray [J] = mainarraynext [J]。
                    mainarray [J]%= MAX;
            长finalsum = 0;
            对于(INT J = 0; J< D​​TOTAL; J ++){
                finalsum + = mainarray [J]。

    公共静态长的get(INT []×长[] mainarray,INT [] D){
        的for(int i = 0; I< x.length;我++){
            如果(X [I]≥= D [I])返回0;
            如果(X [1]  - ; 0)返回0;
        INT索引= 0;
        的for(int i = 0; I< D​​.length;我++){
            指数=(指数* D [I])+ X [I]
        返回mainarray [指数]
    公共静态INT []逆(INT指数,INT [] D){
        INT []临时=新的INT [D.length]
        的for(int i = D.length-1; ​​I> = 0; I  - ){
            临时[我] =索引%D [I];
            指数=指数/ D [I]
    公共静态无效套(INT []×长[] mainarray,INT [] D,int值){
        INT索引= 0;
        的for(int i = 0; I< D​​.length;我++){
            指数=(指数* D [I])+ X [I]
        mainarray [指数] =值;
    公共静态长getsum(INT []×长[] mainarray,INT [] D){
        INT []临时=新的INT [x.length]
        长总和= 0;
        对于(INT J = 0; J< x.length; J ++){//总和每侧
            温度[J] = X [J]。
        对于(INT J = 0; J< x.length; J ++){//总和每侧
            温度[J]  - ;
            总和+ = GET(温度,mainarray,D);
            温度[J] + = 2;
            总和+ = GET(温度,mainarray,D);
            温度[J]  - ;


秀到起飞 LeetCode官方推出算法面试指导手册 代码版 限时开源

Grid Walking (Score 50 points): You are situated in an N dimensional grid at position (x_1,x2,...,x_N). The dimensions of the grid are (D_1,D_2,...D_N). In one step, you can walk one step ahead or behind in any one of the N dimensions. (So there are always 2N possible different moves). In how many ways can you take M steps such that you do not leave the grid at any point? You leave the grid if you for any x_i, either x_i <= 0 or x_i > D_i.

Input: The first line contains the number of test cases T. T test cases follow. For each test case, the first line contains N and M, the second line contains x_1,x_2...,x_N and the 3rd line contains D_1,D_2,...,D_N.

So, in the above solution I'm trying to take one dimensional array. The website claims 38753340 to be the answer, but I'm not getting it.

public class GridWalking {

     * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        try {

            long arr[] = new long[78];
            long pos = 44;
            long totake = 287;

             * Double arr[] = new Double[3]; Double pos = 0; Double totake = 5;

            Double val = calculate(arr, pos, totake);
            System.out.println(val % 1000000007);

        } catch (Exception e) {


    public static HashMap<String, Double> calculated = new HashMap<String, Double>();

    private static Double calculate(long[] arr, long pos, long totake) {

        if (calculated.containsKey(pos + "" + totake)) {
            return calculated.get(pos + "" + totake);
        if (0 == totake) {

            calculated.put(pos + "" + totake, new Double(1));
            return new Double(1);

        if (pos == arr.length - 1) {

            Double b = calculate(arr, pos - 1, totake - 1);

            Double ret = b;
            calculated.put(pos + "" + totake, new Double(ret));
            return ret;

        if (pos == 0) {
            Double b = calculate(arr, pos + 1, totake - 1);

            Double ret = b;
            calculated.put(pos + "" + totake, new Double(ret));
            return ret;

        Double a = calculate(arr, pos + 1, totake - 1);
        Double b = calculate(arr, pos - 1, totake - 1);

        Double ret = (a + b);
        calculated.put(pos + "" + totake, ret);
        return ret;



I have tried solving that Grid walking problem in Hackerrank. this is the code that had worked(in ecclipse atleast). but i donno why it does not match with given answers. Nut i think you can get the idea from it. Since it does not use recursion, no problem with execution time..

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.math.*;
import java.util.regex.*;

public class Solution {
    static int count=0;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
        String filename = "src/testcases.txt";//testcases is just a file containing input
        File file = new File(filename);
        Scanner in = new Scanner(file);
        int T=in.nextInt();
        for(int t=0;t<1;t++){
            int N=in.nextInt();
            int M=in.nextInt();System.out.println("M="+M);
            int[] X=new int[N];
            long max=1000000007;
            int[] D=new int[N];
            for(int i=0;i<N;i++) X[i]=in.nextInt();
            for(int i=0;i<N;i++) D[i]=in.nextInt();
            int Dmax=D[0];
            int Dtotal=1;
            for(int i=0;i<N;i++) if(Dmax<D[i]) Dmax=D[i];
            for(int i=0;i<N;i++) X[i]--;
            for(int i=0;i<N;i++) Dtotal*=D[i];//total number of fields
            long[] mainarray= new long[Dtotal];
            long[] mainarraynext=new long[Dtotal];
            int[][] ways=new int[N][Dmax];
            set( X, mainarray,D, 1);
            int temp[]=new int[N];
            for(int h=0;h<10;h++){  

                for(int j=0;j<Dtotal;j++){
                    mainarraynext[j]=getsum(inverse(j,D),mainarray, D );
                for(int j=0;j<Dtotal;j++){
            long finalsum=0;
            for(int j=0;j<Dtotal;j++){  

    public static long get(int[] x, long[] mainarray, int[] D){
        for(int i=0;i<x.length;i++){
            if(x[i]>=D[i]) return 0;
            if(x[i]<0) return 0;
        int index=0;
        for(int i=0;i<D.length;i++){
        return mainarray[index];
    public static int[] inverse(int index,int[] D){
        int[] temp=new int[D.length];
        for(int i=D.length-1;i>=0;i--){
        return temp;
    public static void set(int[] x, long[] mainarray, int[] D, int value){
        int index=0;
        for(int i=0;i<D.length;i++){
    public static long getsum(int[] x,long[] mainarray, int[] D ){
        int[] temp=new int[x.length];
        long sum=0;
        //for 2n different sides
        for(int j=0;j<x.length;j++){//sum in each side
        for(int j=0;j<x.length;j++){//sum in each side
            sum+=get(temp,  mainarray, D);
            sum+=get(temp,  mainarray, D);
        return sum;



