
由网友(呆萌ω小甜心)分享简介:我想建立一个高效的Python迭代器/发电机收益率:I'd like to build an efficient Python iterator/generator that yields:小于N的所有合数随着他们的主要因子我称之为composites_with_factors()I'll call it "co...


I'd like to build an efficient Python iterator/generator that yields:

小于N的所有合数 随着他们的主要因子


I'll call it "composites_with_factors()"


Assume we already have a list of primes less than N, or a primes generator that can do the same.


在不需要数以数字顺序产生 请不要介意1产生的开头或不 请不要介意素数产生了,太


I figure this can be done with a clever recursive generator...


So, for example, a call to composites_with_factors(16) may yield:

# yields values in form of "composite_value, (factor_tuple)"
2, (2)
4, (2, 2)
8, (2, 2, 2)
6, (2, 3)
12, (2, 2, 3)
10, (2, 5)
14, (2, 7)
3, (3)
9, (3, 3)
15, (3, 5)
5, (5)
7, (7)
11, (11)
13, (13)


As you can see from the order of my output, I conceive of this working by starting with the smallest prime on the available primes generator, and outputting all powers of that prime less than N, then try again through the powers of that prime but at each stage seeing if I can apply powers of additional primes (and still be less than N). When all combinations with THAT prime are done, drop it, and repeat with the next lowest prime number available on the primes generator.


My attempts to do this with "recursive generators" have gotten me very confused on when to pop out of the recursion with "yield ", or "raise StopIteration", or "return", or simply fall out of the recursed function.




I do have one way to do this now: I have written a function to factor numbers, so I can factor them down to primes, and yield the results. No problem. I keep this blazingly fast by relying on a cache of "what is the lowest prime factor of number N"... for N up to 10 million.

但是,一旦我出了缓存,我们会,它转予为幼稚保理业务。 (呸)

However, once I'm out of the cache, we'll, it devolves to "naive" factoring. (Yuck.)


在我假设,从他们的因素,产生了大量的复合材料会比大数复合材料快......尤其是因为我不关心顺序和 您怎么能有一个Python生成器递归自称,并产生所产生的东西一个流?


假设 primesiter(N)创建一个迭代器的所有素数高达ñ (1不应该被包含在 primesiter 或以下code以及输入INF。循环)

Assuming primesiter(n) creates an iterator over all primes up to n (1 should NOT be included in primesiter, or following code well enter inf. loop)

def composite_value(n, min_p = 0):
    for p in primesiter(n):
        # avoid double solutions such as (6, [2,3]), and (6, [3,2])
        if p < min_p: continue
        yield (p, [p])
        for t, r in composite_value(n//p, min_p = p): # uses integer division
            yield (t*p, [p] + r)


>> list(composite_value(16))
[(2, [2]),
 (4, [2, 2]),
 (8, [2, 2, 2]),
 (16, [2, 2, 2, 2]),
 (12, [2, 2, 3]),
 (6, [2, 3]),
 (10, [2, 5]),
 (14, [2, 7]),
 (3, [3]),
 (9, [3, 3]),
 (15, [3, 5]),
 (5, [5]),
 (7, [7]),
 (11, [11]),
 (13, [13])]

请注意:它包括N(= 16),以及,我用的元组的列表,而不是。如果需要,它们都可以很容易解决,但我会离开,作为一个练习。

NOTE: it includes n (= 16) as well, and I used list instead of tuples. Both can easily be resolved if needed, but I will leave that as an exercise.


