Haskell的快速​​排序 - 什么是真的吗?快速、Haskell

由网友(日落黄昏时)分享简介:正如他们所说,真正的快速排序排序就地。因此,标准的短哈斯克尔code 获得的快速排序,As they say, "true quicksort sorts in-place". So the standard short Haskell code for quicksort,quicksort :: Ord a =...

正如他们所说,真正的快速排序排序就地。因此,标准的短哈斯克尔code 获得的快速排序,

As they say, "true quicksort sorts in-place". So the standard short Haskell code for quicksort,

quicksort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
quicksort []     = []
quicksort (p:xs) = (quicksort lesser) ++ [p] ++ (quicksort greater)
    lesser  = filter (< p) xs
    greater = filter (>= p) xs


what algorithm/computational process is it describing, after all?


It surely isn't what Tony Hoare devised, lacking its most defining feature, the in-place partitioning algorithm.


(the answer might be well known, but not yet here on SO).


correction: this question is in fact a duplicate: the answer is known on SO after all: cf. Pseudo-quicksort time complexity .



It's quicksort for linked lists.

Yup, this is quicksort, just not in-place. It matches the high-level algorithm for quicksort whilst changing the low-level implementation to match the data structure of linked lists. That's why it's quicksort for linked lists.


I'd prefer to say "quicksort was originally developed to work in-place" than "true quicksort is done in-place". There are many variants of quicksort including picking pivots randomly to avoid worse-case behaviour etc.. This is a sensible, clear definition of quicksort for linked lists.

这个定义完全一致,我们怎么教快速排序至16岁学生的数学在英国。 (我们教的算法,而不是编程。)就地非常模糊的目的而设计的,这就是为什么我们不教这个细节,尽管从教函数式编程或链表是一百万英里。 (这并不能改变一个事实,即对-交换伎俩原地算法是最好的,当你有破坏性的更新阵列。)

This definition exactly matches how we teach quicksort to 16 year-old maths students in the UK. (We're teaching algorithms, not programming.) In-place very much obscures the purpose and design, which is why we don't teach that detail, despite being a million miles from teaching functional programming or linked lists. (That doesn't change the fact that the pair-swapping trick in-place algorithm is best when you have destructive update arrays.)


There is a time penalty to this definition, since it traverses the list twice for the two sublists. It's certainly possible to rewrite this to partition rather than filter, but I assert that that's optimising rather than changing the fundamental algorithm here, quicksort.


