
由网友(爷,传说而已)分享简介:在实践中,有没有一个已经线性时间的算法需要进行并行无论如何?我的老师认为​​,这是不值得,但我不这么认为。In practice, is there any case that an already linear-time algorithm need to be parallelized? My teacher a...


In practice, is there any case that an already linear-time algorithm need to be parallelized? My teacher argue that it is not worth but I don't believe so.


您的老师是错误的。运行时的复杂单CPU的算法(为O(n),O(log n)的,等等)对是否将并行化中获益无关。

Your teacher is mistaken. The run-time complexity (O(n), O(log n), etc.) of the single-CPU algorithm has no bearing on whether or not it will benefit from parallelization.


Changing your code from using 1 CPU to using K CPUs will at best divide the run time by a factor of K. Since you can't arbitrarily create CPUs out of thin air, K is effectively a constant. So, the run-time complexity is not affected by parallelization. All you can hope to do is get a constant factor improvement.

这并不是说这是不值得做的 - 在某些情况下,两方面的改进是非常有益的。此外,在大规模并行十万CPU的系统中,不断得到pretty的大。

Which isn't to say that it's not worth doing - in some cases, a two-fold improvement is hugely beneficial. Plus, in a massively parallel system of thousands of CPUs, that constant gets pretty big.


