
由网友(脱了校服继续拽)分享简介:由于整数数组 A ,两个数字 N 和 M ,返回 N 组整数从 A 使得每组款项中号。Given an array of integers a, two numbers N and M, return N group of integers from a such that each group sums to M....

由于整数数组 A ,两个数字 N M ,返回 N 组整数从 A 使得每组款项中号

Given an array of integers a, two numbers N and M, return N group of integers from a such that each group sums to M.


A = [1,2,3,4,5] N = 2 M = 5 a = [1,2,3,4,5] N = 2 M = 5

则算法可以返回 [2,3],[1,4] [5],[2,3] 或其它可能的。

Then the algorithm could return [2, 3], [1, 4] or [5], [2, 3] or possibly others.


What algorithms could I use here?



I wasn't aware that this problem is NP complete. So maybe it would help if I provided more details on my specific scenario:

所以我想创造一个匹配式的应用程序。鉴于球队的数量 N 和每队玩家数量 M ,应用程序监听客户端请求。每个客户端请求会给一些玩家在客户端重新presents。所以,如果我需要2队的5名球员,那么如果5个客户端发送请求,每个重presenting 1,2,3,4,分别为5名球员,那么我的应用程序应生成客户端之间的比赛了 [1,4] 和客户端 [2,3] 。它也可能产生的 [1,4] [5] 匹配行动;我真的不关心。

So I'm trying to create a "match-up" application. Given the number of teams N and the number of players per team M, the application listens for client requests. Each client request will give a number of players that the client represents. So if I need 2 teams of 5 players, then if 5 clients send requests, each representing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 players respectively, then my application should generate a match-up between clients [1, 4] and clients [2, 3]. It could also generate a match-up between [1, 4] and [5]; I don't really care.

一个含义是,比 M 或小于 0 玩家任何客户端重新presenting更是无效的。希望这可以简化问题。

One implication is that any client representing more than M or less than 0 players is invalid. Hope this could simplify the problem.



Here is my own Python solution that uses dynamic programming. The algorithm is given here.

def get_subset(lst, s):
    '''Given a list of integer `lst` and an integer s, returns
    a subset of lst that sums to s, as well as lst minus that subset
    q = {}
    for i in range(len(lst)):
        for j in range(1, s+1):
            if lst[i] == j:
                q[(i, j)] = (True, [j])
            elif i >= 1 and q[(i-1, j)][0]:
                q[(i, j)] = (True, q[(i-1, j)][1])
            elif i >= 1 and j >= lst[i] and q[(i-1, j-lst[i])][0]:
                q[(i, j)] = (True, q[(i-1, j-lst[i])][1] + [lst[i]])
                q[(i, j)] = (False, [])

        if q[(i, s)][0]:
            for k in q[(i, s)][1]:

            return q[(i, s)][1], lst

    return None, lst

def get_n_subset(n, lst, s):
    ''' Returns n subsets of lst, each of which sums to s'''
    solutions = []
    for i in range(n):
        sol, lst = get_subset(lst, s)

    return solutions, lst

# print(get_n_subset(7, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 4, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2], 5))
# [stdout]: ([[2, 3], [1, 4], [5], [4, 1], [2, 3], [1, 1, 1, 2], None], [7, 8])

