
由网友(颗糖°也甜入心)分享简介:考虑计数结构上不同二叉搜索树的:由于N,查找包含值1结构不同的二叉搜索树的数量。N 它是pretty的容易得到的算法解决了这个:固定每一个可能的数字,在根,然后递归求解左和右子树的问题:countBST(numKeys)如果numKeys< = 1返回1其他结果= 0对于i = 1 .. numKeysleftB...





    如果numKeys< = 1
        结果= 0
        对于i = 1 .. numKeys
            leftBST = countBST(I  -  1)
            rightBST = countBST(numKeys  -  I)

            结果+ = leftBST * rightBST


我最近一直在自己熟悉与 treaps 和我提出这样的问题:我自己


由于N,查找包含值1 ... N与优先级不同的treaps数量1 .. N.两个treaps是不同的,如果他们是相对于无论是键或优先级(读澄清)结构不同。


的答案 N = 2 N = 3 似乎是 2 6 的基础上,我画在纸上的树。 如果我们忽略的部分,上面写着treaps也可以是相对于节点的优先级不同,这个问题似乎是相同的计算只是二叉搜索树,因为我们将能够分配优先级,以每BST这样它也尊重堆不变。我还没有证实这虽然。





我倒是AP preciate如果任何人都可以分享关于如何处理这个任何想法。这似乎是一个有趣的计算问题时,我想过这个问题。也许有人对此太过,甚至解决了吧!别人的思想












  3 4在序遍历 - > 35142
     1 2


  {3} 142


  3 4
    1 2




☆如果H N 是堆的数量在1 ... N,那么我们有

^ h N = Sum_ {L = 0到N-1} ^ h → * H N-1-L *(N- 1选择L)



  H0 = 1
H1 = 1
H2 = 2
H3 = 6

☆如果H N = N!当0乐; N'乐;氏/ P>

则H K + 1 = Sum_ {L = 0至K} L! *(K-L)! *(K!/ L!*(K-L)!)=(K + 1)!

Consider the problem of counting the number of structurally distinct binary search trees:

Given N, find the number of structurally distinct binary search trees containing the values 1 .. N

It's pretty easy to give an algorithm that solves this: fix every possible number in the root, then recursively solve the problem for the left and right subtrees:

    if numKeys <= 1
        return 1
        result = 0
        for i = 1 .. numKeys
            leftBST = countBST(i - 1)
            rightBST = countBST(numKeys - i)

            result += leftBST * rightBST

        return result

I've recently been familiarizing myself with treaps, and I posed the following problem to myself:

Given N, find the number of distinct treaps containing the values 1 .. N with priorities 1 .. N. Two treaps are distinct if they are structurally different relative to EITHER the key OR the priority (read on for clarification).

I've been trying to figure out a formula or an algorithm that can solve this for a while now, but I haven't been successful. This is what I noticed though:

The answers for n = 2 and n = 3 seem to be 2 and 6, based on me drawing trees on paper. If we ignore the part that says treaps can also be different relative to the priority of the nodes, the problem seems to be identical to counting just binary search trees, since we'll be able to assign priorities to each BST such that it also respects the heap invariant. I haven't proven this though.

I think the hard part is accounting for the possibility to permute the priorities without changing the structure. For example, consider this treap, where the nodes are represented as (key, priority) pairs:

          (3, 5)
     (2, 3)    (4, 4)
(1, 1)               (5, 2)

We can permute the priorities of both the second and third levels while still maintaining the heap invariant, so we get more solutions even though no keys switch place. This probably gets even uglier for bigger trees. For example, this is a different treap from the one above:

          (3, 5)
     (2, 4)    (4, 3) // swapped priorities
(1, 1)               (5, 2)

I'd appreciate if anyone can share any ideas on how to approach this. It seemed like an interesting counting problem when I thought about it. Maybe someone else thought about it too and even solved it!


Interesting question! I believe the answer is N factorial!

Given a tree structure, there is exactly one way to fill in the binary search tree key values.

Thus all we need to do is count the different number of heaps.

Given a heap, consider an in-order traversal of the tree.

This corresponds to a permutation of the numbers 1 to N.

Now given any permutation of {1,2...,N}, you can construct a heap as follows:

Find the position of the largest element. The elements to its left form the left subtree and the elements to its right form the right subtree. These subtrees are formed recursively by finding the largest element and splitting there.

This gives rise to a heap, as we always choose the max element and the in-order traversal of that heap is the permutation we started with. Thus we have a way of going from a heap to a permutaion and back uniquely.

Thus the required number is N!.

As an example:

  3   4          In-order traversal ->   35142
     1  2

Now start with 35142. Largest is 5, so 3 is left subtree and 142 is right.

  3  {142}

In 142, 4 is largest and 1 is left and 2 is right, so we get

  3   4
    1   2

The only way to fill in binary search keys for this is:

(1,3)    (4,4)
       (3,1)   (5,2)

For a more formal proof:

If HN is the number of heaps on 1...N, then we have that

HN = Sum_{L=0 to N-1} HL * HN-1-L * (N-1 choose L)

(basically we pick the max and assign to root. Choose the size of left subtree, and choose that many elements and recurse on left and right).


H0 = 1
H1 = 1
H2 = 2
H3 = 6

If Hn = n! for 0 ≤ n ≤ k

Then HK+1 = Sum_{L=0 to K} L! * (K-L)! * (K!/L!*(K-L)!) = (K+1)!


