
由网友(如花,不要弃疗哦)分享简介:经典的硬币找零问题以及描述如下: http://www.algorithmist.com/的index.php / Coin_Change 在这里,我想不仅知道有多少组合也有,但也打印出所有的人。我使用的是同一个DP算法,而不是记录有多少组合DP表中的 DP [I] [J] =数清我实现了链接,但,我存储在表中的组合...

经典的硬币找零问题以及描述如下: http://www.algorithmist.com/的index.php / Coin_Change

在这里,我想不仅知道有多少组合也有,但也打印出所有的人。我使用的是同一个DP算法,而不是记录有多少组合DP表中的 DP [I] [J] =数清我实现了链接,但,我存储在表中的组合。所以我用这个DP表中的三维矢量。




#包括< stdlib.h中>
#包括< CMATH>

INT主(INT ARGC,为const char * argv的[]){

    INT总= 10; //总金额
    矢量< int的>值= {0,5,2,1};
    排序(values​​.begin(),values​​.end()); //我想小硬币最早采用结果

    矢量<矢量<矢量< INT>>>空(总+ 1); //只是为了清除的目的
    矢量<矢量<矢量< INT>>> LASTROW(总+ 1);
    矢量<矢量<矢量< INT>>> curRow(总+ 1);

    的for(int i = 0; I< values​​.size();我++){

        对于(INT curSum = 0; curSum< =总; curSum ++){
            如果(curSum == 0){
                curRow [curSum] .push_back(矢量< INT> {});

            }否则,如果(我== 0){

                curRow [curSum] = LASTROW [curSum]

                curRow [curSum] = LASTROW [curSum]
                矢量<矢量< INT>> useCurCoin = curRow [curSum值[I]];

                对于(INT K = 0; K< useCurCoin.size(); k ++){

                    useCurCoin [k]的.push_back(值[I]);
                    curRow [curSum] .push_back(useCurCoin [K]);

        LASTROW = curRow;
        curRow =空;

    COUT<<组合总数:<< lastRow.back()的大小()<< ENDL;
    的for(int i = 0; I< lastRow.back()的大小();我++){
        对于(INT J = 0; J< lastRow.back()[我] .size(); J ++){
            如果(j!= 0)
            COUT<< lastRow.back()[I] [J]。
        COUT<< ENDL;



curRow [curSum] = LASTROW [curSum]
常量矢量<矢量< INT>>&安培; useCurCoin = curRow [curSum  - 值[I]]; //一个副本在这里少

对于(INT K = 0; k = useCurCoin.size();!k来++){
    curRow [curSum] .push_back(useCurCoin [K]);
    。curRow [curSum] .back()的push_back(值[I]); //一个副本在这里少了。
甲.乙.丙三个人准备打羽毛球.他们约定用 抛硬币 的方式来确定哪两个人先上场.三人手中各持有一枚质地均匀的硬币.同时将手中硬币抛落到水平地面为一个回合.落地后

即使是可读的清洁 curRow =空; ,可能造成分配。 最好创建一个函数

 无效清洁(矢量<矢量<矢量< INT>>>&安培;血管内皮细胞)

The classic coin change problem is well described here: http://www.algorithmist.com/index.php/Coin_Change

Here I want to not only know how many combinations there are, but also print out all of them. I'm using the same DP algorithm in that link in my implementation but instead of recording how many combinations in the DP table for DP[i][j] = count, I store the combinations in the table. So I'm using a 3D vector for this DP table.

I tried to improve my implementation noticing that when looking up the table, only information from last row is needed, so I don't really need to always store the entire table.

However my improved DP solution still seems quite slow, so I'm wondering if there's some problem in my implementation below or there can be more optimization. Thanks!

You can run the code directly:

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {       

    int total = 10; //total amount
    //available coin values, always include 0 coin value
    vector<int> values = {0, 5, 2, 1}; 
    sort(values.begin(), values.end()); //I want smaller coins used first in the result 

    vector<vector<vector<int>>> empty(total+1); //just for clearing purpose
    vector<vector<vector<int>>> lastRow(total+1);
    vector<vector<vector<int>>> curRow(total+1);

    for(int i=0; i<values.size(); i++) {

        for(int curSum=0; curSum<=total; curSum++){
            if(curSum==0) {
                //there's one combination using no coins               
                curRow[curSum].push_back(vector<int> {}); 

            }else if(i==0) {
                //zero combination because can't use coin with value zero

            }else if(values[i]>curSum){
                //can't use current coin cause it's too big, 
                //so total combination for current sum is the same without using it
                curRow[curSum] = lastRow[curSum];

                //not using current coin
                curRow[curSum] = lastRow[curSum];
                vector<vector<int>> useCurCoin = curRow[curSum-values[i]];

                //using current coin
                for(int k=0; k<useCurCoin.size(); k++){


        lastRow = curRow;
        curRow = empty;

    cout<<"Total number of combinations: "<<lastRow.back().size()<<endl;
    for (int i=0; i<lastRow.back().size(); i++) {
        for (int j=0; j<lastRow.back()[i].size(); j++) {
                cout<<" ";
    return 0;


It seems that you copy too many vectors: at least the last else can be rewritten as

// not using current coin
curRow[curSum] = lastRow[curSum];
const vector<vector<int>>& useCurCoin = curRow[curSum - values[i]]; // one less copy here

// using current coin
for(int k = 0; k != useCurCoin.size(); k++){
    curRow[curSum].back().push_back(values[i]); // one less copy here too.

Even if it is readable to clean curRow = empty;, that may create allocation. Better to create a function

void Clean(vector<vector<vector<int>>>& vecs)
    for (auto& v : vecs) {


