C ++ STL数据结构调整,算法矢量结构调整、矢量、算法、数据

由网友(孤岛°)分享简介:有没有办法强制执行STL容器对准特定的字节,使用的属性((校))吧?目标的编译器是不是微软的Visual C ++。Is there a way to enforce STL container alignment to specific byte, using attribute((aligned))perhaps...

有没有办法强制执行STL容器对准特定的字节,使用的属性((校))吧?目标的编译器是不是微软的Visual C ++。

Is there a way to enforce STL container alignment to specific byte, using attribute((aligned))perhaps? the target compilers are not Microsoft Visual C++.

什么库,如果有的话,提供的STL算法具有特定明确的矢量,例如专用模板中上证所。我感兴趣的编译器是G ++,Intel和IBM XL。

What libraries, if any, provide specialized templates of STL algorithms which have specific explicit vectorization, e.g. SSE. My compilers of interest are g++, Intel, and IBM XL.


使用STL容器,您可以通过一个可选的模板参数提供你自己的分配器。我不会建议从头开始编写一个完整的分配,但你可以写一个,这只是一个围绕删除但能保证返回的内存满足您的对齐要求。 (例如,如果你需要 N 字节,16字节对齐,可以使用分配 N + 15 字节,并返回一个指向该块中的第一个16字节对齐地址。)

With STL containers, you can provide your own allocator via an optional template parameter. I wouldn't recommend writing an entire allocator from scratch, but you could write one that's just a wrapper around new and delete but ensures that the returned memory meets your alignment requirement. (E.g., if you need n bytes with 16-byte alignment, you use new to allocate n + 15 bytes and return a pointer to the first 16-byte aligned address in that block.)


But it might be enough just to add the alignment attribute to the element type. That's outside the scope of the standard, so you'd have to check your compiler documentation and try it.