
由网友(喜欢用眼睛说谎)分享简介:我要成立一个开发/测试平台在亚马逊Web服务。所以,有人告诉我,安装,但我不知道该怎么做。我很习惯1和1,OVH和其他托管公司对我上传我的数据通过FileZilla中,但在这里它似乎是完全不一样的。难道我错了吗?我读了我需要安装CentOS与服务器进行通信,对不对?有没有其他办法可以做到这一点? FileZilla中?...


我读了我需要安装CentOS与服务器进行通信,对不对?有没有其他办法可以做到这一点? FileZilla中?




传统的web项目提供rest服务器,REST 风格的 Web 服务入门指南


但每次,似乎我错过了什么,在第一行,第一个步骤。 可能有人enlightene我请,因为我觉得我错过了什么,在这个过程中的起点,我显然不理解它的工作方式。



任何帮助或全部文件将AP preciated:)



我做了一件非常相像(使用CentOS的5.5 rackspase) - 按照下面的步骤。 - 所有先从线应被视为言论。在你开始转移的Magento,你应该安装PHP,httpd和MySQL的:

- MySql的


- httpd的


- 开放80端口在iptables中

  VI的/ etc / sysconfig中/ iptables的

- 添加一行:

  -A RH-Firewall-1之-INPUT -m状态--state NEW -m TCP -p TCP --dport 80 -j ACCEPT

- 配置的httpd.conf(允许使用的.htaccess的)


改线下<从设置AllowOverride无到全部的AllowOverride目录的/ var / www / html等>

- 安装PHP 5

 转-ivh http://repo.webtatic.com/yum/centos/5/`uname -i` / webtatic释放,5-1.noarch.rpm
百胜--enablerepo = webtatic安装PHP
百胜--enablerepo = webtatic安装PHP,MySQL的

- 去到/ var / www / html等

  CD的/ var / www / html等

- 并复制那里的Magento in所有内容 --then清理缓存如果有的话:

 的rm -rf的/ var / www / html等/<您的应用程序和GT;的/ var /缓存/ *

- 你必须创建一个模式:

MySQL的>在[您的模式名称]授予所有特权*为[用户名] @本地用[您的密码]标识。

- 在您的计算机上创建SQL转储:

  mysqldump的[你的架构名称] GT; [您的模式名称] .SQL

- 和CentOS的导入

 的MySQL [您的架构名称] LT; [您的模式名称] .SQL;

- 确保用户名/密码是否正确配置:

 六<您的应用程序> /app/etc/local.xml

- 登录数据库的[用户]:

 的mysql -u [用户] -p

- 找到被配置到本地主机(因为您开发您的计算机上),并将其更改为安装服务器的IP条目(例如1.1.1.1):

 选择路径,从​​价值[您的架构名称] .core_config_data哪里像'%BASE_URL%的路径;
更新[您的模式名称] .core_config_data设定值=HTTP:/<您的域> /<您的应用程序和GT; /',其中像'%BASE_URL%的路​​径;

- 现在重新启动所有服务。 -


- 疑难解答

CD的/ var / www / html等/<您的应用程序和GT; /错误
CP local.xml.sample那个local.xml

I have to set up a dev/test platform on the Amazon Web Service. So I was told, "install it" but I have no clue how to do that. I'm very used to 1&1, OVH and other hosting companies on which I upload my data through FileZilla but here it seems to be completely different. Am I wrong?

I read that I would need to install centOS to communicate with the server, right? is there no other way to do so? FileZilla?

And By the Way, how do I set up Magento on AWS? I found some documentation about it :




But each time, it seems that I missed something in the first lines, the VERY FIRST step. Could someone enlightene me please because I think I missed something at the starting point of this process and I clearly don't understand the way it works.

I downloaded both elasticFirefox extension and S3 organizer, but they are not very helpful for the understanding. In each of the docs I have read, the guy starts from a point I can't reach ..

PS: I've started developing the website with Magento so it is about transfering this version of Magento instead of installing a new one .. except if it's much much more complicated ..

Any Help or full documentation would be appreciated :)

Thanks for your help !


I did something very much alike (using CentOS 5.5 on rackspase) - follow the steps below. all the lines that start with "--" should be treated as remarks. Before you start "transferring" Magento you should install PHP, httpd and MySql:

-- MySql

yum install mysql-server

-- httpd

yum install httpd

-- open port 80 in iptables

vi  /etc/sysconfig/iptables

-- add a line:

-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT

-- configure httpd.conf (enable the use of .htaccess)

vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

change the line under "< Directory "/var/www/html >" from "AllowOverride None" to "AllowOverride All"

-- install php 5

rpm -ivh http://repo.webtatic.com/yum/centos/5/`uname -i`/webtatic-release-5-1.noarch.rpm
yum --enablerepo=webtatic install php
yum --enablerepo=webtatic install php-mysql

-- go to /var/www/html

cd /var/www/html

-- and copy there all the content of Magento --then clean cache if any:

rm -rf /var/www/html/<your app>/var/cache/*

-- you have to create a schema:

mysql> create database [your schema name];
mysql> grant all privileges on [your schema name].* to [your username]@localhost identified by '[your password]';

-- create sql dump on your computer:

mysqldump [your schema name] > [your schema name].sql

-- and import it on centos

mysql [your schema name] <   [your schema name].sql;

--Make sure that the username/password are configured properly:

vi <your app>/app/etc/local.xml

-- Login the DB as [your user]:

mysql -u [your user] –p

-- Locate the entry that is configured to localhost (since you developed it on your computer) and change it to the installation-server’s IP (say

select path, value from [your schema name].core_config_data where path like '%base_url%';
update [your schema name].core_config_data set value = 'http:/<your domain>/<your app>/' where path like '%base_url%';

-- now restart all the services

service iptables restart
service mysqld restart
service httpd restart

-- Troubleshooting

In order to print error to screen follow these steps:
cd /var/www/html/<your app>/errors
cp local.xml.sample local.xml


