
由网友(幸福欠费)分享简介:使用这个扩展列表复选框,例如code 作为基准,我试图挽救和维护的复选框状态。然而,随机复选框被选中和未选中(触发我的 OnCheckedChangeListener 的新值),当我滚动他们的视线,尽量减少他们的小组,甚至最小化/最大化附近组!Using this Expandable List checkbox e...

使用这个扩展列表复选框,例如code 作为基准,我试图挽救和维护的复选框状态。然而,随机复选框被选中和未选中(触发我的 OnCheckedChangeListener 的新值),当我滚动他们的视线,尽量减少他们的小组,甚至最小化/最大化附近组!

Using this Expandable List checkbox example code as an baseline, I am trying to save and maintain the checkbox state. However, random checkboxes are being checked and unchecked ( triggering my OnCheckedChangeListener with the new values ) when I scroll them out of sight, minimize their group, or even minimize/maximize a nearby group!

public Object getChild(int groupPosition, int childPosition) {
    return colors.get( groupPosition ).get( childPosition );

public long getChildId(int groupPosition, int childPosition) {
    return (long)( groupPosition*1024+childPosition );  // Max 1024 children per group

public View getChildView(final int groupPosition, final int childPosition, 
        boolean isLastChild, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {

    View v = null;
    if( convertView != null ) {
        v = convertView;
    } else {
        v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.child_row, parent, false); 

    Color c = (Color)getChild( groupPosition, childPosition );

    TextView color = (TextView)v.findViewById( );
    if( color != null ) {
        color.setText( c.getColor() );

    TextView rgb = (TextView)v.findViewById( );
    if( rgb != null ) {
        rgb.setText( c.getRgb() );

    CheckBox cb = (CheckBox)v.findViewById( );
    cb.setChecked( c.getState() );
    cb.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new OnCheckedChangeListener()
        public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton buttonView, boolean isChecked)
            context.setColorBool(groupPosition, childPosition, isChecked);
            Log.d("ElistCBox2", "listitem position: " +groupPosition+"/"+childPosition+" "+isChecked);

    return v;


I don't know what piece of code could be responsible for this, so any suggestions on what to include here are welcome. My code only differs from the original in my attempt to save the values.



This is a very old question, but I struggled with the same problem so here is my answer for anybody looking:


The simplest way is to use CheckBox.onClickListener instead of onCheckedChangeListener.


This is only mildly annoying in terms of rearranging your logic, but will ensure that when the boxes are unchecked randomly (by, e.g. expanding an adjacent group) the event will not fire.


Honestly I think this should be considered a bug, even though I'm sure the behaviour can be explained from the Android source.


