
由网友(愿得伊人心)分享简介:我设置一个Amazon EC2服务器。我是应该从网上下载大量的数据到服务器的Python脚本。我可以通过 SSH 运行从终端的脚本,但是很多时候我失去了 SSH 连接。当我失去了连接,脚本将停止。有没有一种方法,我告诉脚本从终端上运行,当我断开,该脚本的服务器?上仍然运行解决方案 您有几个选项。您可以将您的脚本的cr...

我设置一个Amazon EC2服务器。我是应该从网上下载大量的数据到服务器的Python脚本。我可以通过 SSH 运行从终端的脚本,但是很多时候我失去了 SSH 连接。当我失去了连接,脚本将停止。


上仍然运行 解决方案


您可以将您的脚本的cron 来定期运行。 您可以手动运行脚本,并取下+背景它使用的nohup 。 您可以运行工具,如GNU屏幕,并取下终端并注销,不仅要继续在那里你离开以后。我用这个有很多。 例如: 请在你的机器上,运行:屏幕 在开始你的脚本,要么只要闭上你的终端或正确地与分离的会话:按Ctrl + A,D,D 。 从终端断开连接。 重新连接在一段时间后,并运行屏幕-rd 。你应该可以看到你的东西,就像你离开它。 您还可以添加你的脚本 /etc/rc.d目录/ 的书,一直运行到被调用。

I've setup an Amazon EC2 server. I have a Python script that is supposed to download large amounts of data from the web onto the server. I can run the script from the terminal through ssh, however very often I loose the ssh connection. When I loose the connection, the script stops.


Is there a method where I tell the script to run from terminal and when I disconnect, the script is still running on the server?


You have a few options.

You can add your script to cron to be run regularly. You can run your script manually, and detach+background it using nohup. You can run a tool such as GNU Screen, and detach your terminal and log out, only to continue where you left off later. I use this a lot. For example:

Log in to your machine, run: screen. Start your script and either just close your terminal or properly detach your session with: Ctrl+A, D, D. Disconnect from your terminal. Reconnect at some later time, and run screen -rD. You should see your stuff just as you left it.

You can also add your script to /etc/rc.d/ to be invoked on book and always be running.


