有关设置git的在Amazon EC2云计算虚拟的问题问题、git、Amazon

由网友(为你矫情的哭)分享简介:首先,道歉,我可能会在这里扔假的问题。这将是很好,如果你可以点,我应该何去何从的方向。first of all, apologize for dummy questions that I might throw here. It would be nice if you could point the directi...


first of all, apologize for dummy questions that I might throw here. It would be nice if you could point the directions where should I go from here.

我是全新的版本控制(以及GIT)和云系统。然而,它来到了,我要开发的AWS EC2实例PHP的基于Web的应用程序,并codeS contributable为未来的发展点。

I'm totally new to version control(as well as git) and cloud system. However, it came to the point that I have to develop php web based application on AWS EC2 instance and make codes contributable for future developers.

我并成功创建运行PHP / MySQL的EC2实例和地图与弹性IP域。因此,该网站是现在可以通过80端口向公众开放。

I did successfully create EC2 instance that run PHP/MySQL and map the domain with Elastic IP. So the website is now publicly accessible via port 80.

我还用 $ sudo的百胜安装的git 和的ConfigEd user.name和user.email

I also installed git using $sudo yum install git and configed user.name and user.email

我的话,请访问网站的根文件夹(如的public_html)和run'的git的init ,这创造了折git的,我再使用添加文件 git的补充。,并承诺 git的承诺-m最初的上传

I then, go to root folder of the website (e.g. public_html) and run ‘git init’ which create the fold ".git" and I then add file using "git add ." and commit "git commit -m ‘initial upload’"


Is that the right way to go? Would it be ok to have the project folder sitting on /public_html (where accessible from anyone).

如果上面是好的,那么我应该在哪里何去何从? 我想有git的服务器上EC2允许开发人员从本地机器(如Eclipse的),同时能够保留备份和比较不同的codeS。连接运行

If above is ok, then where should I go from here? I would like to have git server running on EC2 that allow developers to connect from their local machines (e.g. Eclipse) while being able to keep the backup and compare the different between codes.


What detail do I suppose to give developers so that they can connect to git server and working on project?


I quick direction or few keywords to do more research would help.


看here有关设置git的在Amazon EC2

look here for more information on setting up git on amazon ec2


to allow developers to use you git, you just need to give them the git server url.


Direct quote from the site i'm linking to.


"First and foremost, you need to add your EC2 identity to the ssh authentication agent. This prevents problems with git later, namely getting the error "Permission denied (publickey)." when trying to do a git push to the EC2 repository.

ssh-add path/to/privateEC2key.pem


Now you can go ahead and create the git repository on the EC2 instance.

ssh username@hostname.com 
mkdir the_project.git 
cd the_project.git 
git init --bare


So not much going on here, all we do is create an empty repository and then leave. Now, on the local machine, you do something like the following:

cd the_project 
git init git add . 
git commit -m "Initial git commit message" 
git remote add origin username@hostname.com:the_project.git 
git config --global remote.origin.receivepack "git receive-pack" 
git push origin master


The ‘git config’ command is a fix that I found necessary to be able to push to the EC2 repository."


