
由网友(南风入弦)分享简介:我有调用两个函数,A和B,在同一类的脚本。 A创建亚马逊的虚拟服务器和B击毁一,双方通过了shell_exec()的亚马逊的命令行工具。该脚本,doActions.php,拉从队列动作。如果操作为创建,它创建一个实例;当动作是消灭它杀死的。该脚本工作正常执行A和B,当我在命令行中执行它:PHP的script.php 当...

我有调用两个函数,A和B,在同一类的脚本。 A创建亚马逊的虚拟服务器和B击毁一,双方通过了shell_exec()的亚马逊的命令行工具。该脚本,doActions.php,拉从队列动作。如果操作为创建,它创建一个实例;当动作是消灭它杀死的。




 回声$字符串=了shell_exec('/家庭/用户/的public_html / domain.com /私营/ EC2-API工具/斌/ EC2-运行情况AMI-23b6534a -k GSG-密钥对-z美国东部-1A');


Azkaban 使用篇



我的猜测是,它必须做一些与权限。但是,当我有它运行了shell_exec('WHOAMI')它返回根,当I 和运行命令它工作正常。我有一个很难思维创造性的方式来解决,为什么我的PHP脚本将不会在cron的工作时,它的命令行。你能推荐一些?


在一些运行在命令行,但拒绝在的cron 这样做,它往往是一个环境问题(路径或多数民众赞成你所需要正在运行的code其他一些环境变量)。


希望,会有一些明显的如 AMAZON_EC2_VITAL_VAR 但是,如果没有,你应该将cron的环境对你的命令行之一,一个变量的时间,直到它开始工作。


  ENV> /tmp/pax_env.sh


 。 /tmp/pax_env.sh


和记住,自己不会给你同样的环境,你会得到直接作为特定用户(苏 - 确实,我的认为的)。您可能要检查,当你以root直接登录的行为。




决不让它说我没有为我的钱:-)号工作了shell_exec 将几乎肯定会运行一个子shell这样的变量会设置的在的该子壳,但不会影响到PHP的父进程。

我的建议是,如果你想让所有这些变量设定,将创建一个shell脚本,包括所有的命令在 /tmp/pax_env.sh (大概$ p $有pfixing每个导出),其次是你目前在的cron 运行命令,沿着线的东西:

 导出PATH =:在/ usr /斌
出口PS1 =的Urk:
出口PS2 = MoreUrk:

然后运行的是的从剧本的cron ,而不是 /home/user/pax/scriptB.php 直接。这将确保环境设置你的PHP code调用之前。

细心的读者可能已经注意到了那句如果你想让所有这些变量设定上面。我不个人认为这是一个好主意,倾倒的所有的命令行变量放到shell脚本的的cron 的工作。我想preFER实际找出哪些是需要的人,只包括那些。这减轻您的cron作业已在运行的污染。例如,这是不太可能的 PS1 / PS2 提示符变量将需要你的PHP脚本。

如果一切正常,你的可以的设置所有的环境变量 - 我只是preFER绝对最低,所以我不用太担心,当事情变


I've got a script that calls two functions, A and B, from the same class. A creates an Amazon virtual server and B destroys one, both via shell_exec()'s of Amazon's command line tools. The script, doActions.php, pulls actions from a queue. If the action is "create" it creates an instance; when the action is "destroy" it kills one.

The script works fine to execute both A and B when I execute it from the command line: php script.php.

When I put it on a cron, it runs but only successfully runs the B function. It deletes destroys instances but won't create them.

The point of failure is clearly function B. It chokes at the first and most important shell_exec, returning and echoing nothing.

echo $string = shell_exec('/home/user/public_html/domain.com/private/ec2-api-tools/bin/ec2-run-instances ami-23b6534a -k gsg-keypair -z us-east-1a');

Unless you know something specific about the way Amazon's command line tools work, please suggest to me reasons why a shell_exec might work in one case and not the other.

Another shell_exec in the same place behaves as expected:

echo $string = shell_exec ('echo overflow');

My guess is that it has to do something with permissions. But when I have it run shell_exec('whoami') it return "root," and when I su and run the command it works fine. I'm having a hard time thinking of creative ways to troubleshoot why my PHP script won't work in cron when it does from the command line. Can you suggest some?


When something runs from the command line but refuses to do so within cron, it's often an environment issue (path or some other environment variable that's needed by the code you're running).

For a start you should modify the script to output the current environment (shell_exec('env')?) at the very top and examine the output from the command line and cron.

Hopefully, there will be something obvious such as AMAZON_EC2_VITAL_VAR but, if not, you should move the cron environment towards your command line one, one variable at a time, until it starts working.

A quick test to ascertain this. From your command line, do:

env >/tmp/pax_env.sh

Then run your PHP script from a shell script which first executes:

. /tmp/pax_env.sh

so that the environments are identical.

And keep in mind that su on its own doesn't give you the same environment as you'd get from logging in directly as a specific user (su - does, I think). You may want to check the behaviour for when you log in as root directly.

Re your comment:

Yes, I do believe you've got it. I'm likely going to mark your answer as correct but need you to suffer through a few addendums about your clever solution. First of all, what's the best way to execute the pax_env.sh script? Does shell_exec() work?

Never let it be said I didn't work for my money :-) No. The shell_exec will almost certainly be running a sub-shell so the variables would be set in that sub-shell but would not affect the PHP parent process.

My advice, if you wanted all those variables set, would be to create a shell-script consisting of all the commands in /tmp/pax_env.sh (probably prefixing each with export) followed by the command you currently have running in cron, something along the lines of:

export PATH=.:/usr/bin
export PS1=Urk:
export PS2=MoreUrk:

Then run that script from cron rather than /home/user/pax/scriptB.php directly. That will ensure the environment is set up before your PHP code is called.

Astute readers will have noticed the phrase "if you wanted all those variables set" above. I don't personally think it's a good idea to dump all your command line variables into the shell script for the cron job. I'd prefer to actually find out which ones are needed and only include those. That lessens the pollution your cron job has to run under. For example, it's unlikely that the PS1/PS2 prompt variables will be required for your PHP script.

If it works, you can set all the environment variables - I just prefer the absolute minimum so I don't have to worry too much when things change.

A way of finding out what's needed is to comment out one export at a time until your script breaks again. Then you know that variable is needed. Once it works with the maximum amount of export statements commented out, you can just delete those commented export statements altogether and what remains, however improbable, must be okay (with apologies to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle).


