
由网友(祭夜ゐ血泣)分享简介:我托管在Amazon S3的文件,我想在我的应用程序处理后,下载它们。此应用程序的考虑需要对HTTP Authorization头继续。下面是该过程:I have files hosted on Amazon S3, and I'd like to download them after a treatment in...

我托管在Amazon S3的文件,我想在我的应用程序处理后,下载它们。此应用程序的考虑需要对HTTP Authorization头继续。下面是该过程:

I have files hosted on Amazon S3, and I'd like to download them after a treatment in my app. This app view requires the HTTP Authorization header to proceed. Here is the process:

查询视图 /文件/ XXX 所要求的批准请求头 如果应用程序访问被允许,做一些治疗 生成一个签名的S3 URL,并重定向到它 Query view /file/xxx with the required Authorization request header If the app access is granted, does some treatment Generate a signed S3 url, and redirect to it


The fact is that the request header is also propagated on the redirect, and is in conflict with Amazon's S3 signature, I have the following error message:


Either the Signature query string parameter or the Authorization header should be specified, not both


So, is there a way to not propagate the Authorization header to S3 ?

请注意,我已经测试了所有 3XX HTTP codeS。先谢谢了。

Note that I have tested all 3xx HTTP codes. Thanks in advance.


这可能取决于你的客户端,例如参见:的 HTTPS://$c$c.google.com/p/go/issues/detail ID = 4800

It may depend on your client, for example see: https://code.google.com/p/go/issues/detail?id=4800


It appears curl won't carry over your Authorization header by default. But I'm dealing with a similar issue and I see that by default http components appears to carry it.


