
由网友(要美人不要江山)分享简介:那么我的问题是,我使用 SEND_DATA 我的轨道3 应用程序发送给用户从 AWS S3 服务文件的东西,如Well my problem is that I'm using send_data on my Rails 3 application to send to the user a file from AW...

那么我的问题是,我使用 SEND_DATA 我的轨道3 应用程序发送给用户从 AWS S3 服务文件的东西,如

Well my problem is that I'm using send_data on my Rails 3 application to send to the user a file from AWS S3 service with something like

Base.establish_connection!( :access_key_id => 'my_key', :secret_access_key => 'my_super_secret_key')
s3File = S3Object.find dir+filename, "my_unique_bucket"
send_data(open(s3File.url).read,:filename=>filename, :disposition => 'attachment')


but seems like the browser is buffering the file and before buffering it sends the file to download taking no time on the download but at the buffering time it's taking as long as the file size .... but what i need is the user to view the download process as normal, they won't know what happening with the loader only on the browsers tab:


They'd rather see a download process i guess to figure out there's something happening there

有没有什么办法,我可以用 SEND_DATA

is there any way i can do this with send_data?




You're downloading the entire file from S3 before sending it back to the user as an attachment.


It may be better to serve this content to your user directly from S3 using a redirect. Here's a link to building temporary access URLs that will allow a download with a given token for a short period of time:


Base.establish_connection!( :access_key_id => 'my_key', :secret_access_key => 'my_super_secret_key')
s3File = S3Object.find dir+filename, "my_unique_bucket"
redirect_to s3File.url(:expires_in => 30)

