AWS EC2停止所有通过PowerShell中/ CMD工具工具、AWS、CMD、PowerShell

由网友(囡亽,别太委屈自己)分享简介:我利用了一些在AWS一次性的服务器,我们期待在努力保持这些降低成本。 I utilise a number of 'throwaway' servers in AWS and we're looking at trying to keep the cost of these down. 首先,我们正在寻找一个相当基...


I utilise a number of 'throwaway' servers in AWS and we're looking at trying to keep the cost of these down.


Initially, we're looking for a fairly basic 'awsec2 stop all' command to be run on a scheduled basis from a server we do know will be running 24/7.


Upon checking against what AWS have documented, it appears that we need to pull in all the currently running instances, grab the ID's of these and then pass them through into the command, rather than simply stating I want all instances to turn off.


Is there a better method collecting these ID's such as simply being able to issue a 'stop all'?


Appreciate the help.


在AWS CLI提供内置JSON与--query选项解析。此外,还可以使用--filter选项执行的唯一正在运行的实例停止命令。

The AWS CLI provides built-in JSON parsing with the --query option. Additionally, you can use the --filter option to execute stop commands on running instances only.

aws ec2 describe-instances 
--filter Name=instance-state-name,Values=running 
--query 'Reservations[].Instances[].InstanceId' 
--output text | xargs aws ec2 stop-instances --instance-ids

