如何显示从我的Amazon S3在我的网站上的图像?我的、图像、网站、Amazon

由网友(_______待定、)分享简介:我有我的照片在Amazon S3。这些照片是专用的,不公开的,所以我不能直接链接向他们展示 s3.amazonaws / bucket_name / KEY_NAME / image_name.jpg 我知道在Amazon S3上的图像名称。如何显示例如Amazon S3的图像flower.png和house.png...

我有我的照片在Amazon S3。这些照片是专用的,不公开的,所以我不能直接链接向他们展示 s3.amazonaws / bucket_name / KEY_NAME / image_name.jpg

我知道在Amazon S3上的图像名称。如何显示例如Amazon S3的图像flower.png和house.png在我的网站使用PHP?






在网页中,当用户将点击一个标识的URL,浏览器将被引导至S3。 S3将验证签名, - 当正确的 - 将获取对象

I have my pictures on Amazon S3. The pictures are private and not public so I can not show them with a direct link s3.amazonaws/bucket_name/key_name/image_name.jpg

亚马逊s3的使用方法 使用Amazon S3 –第一部分

I know the image names on Amazon S3. How do I show for example the Amazon S3 images flower.png and house.png on my website with PHP?


If you don't want to make your file public, here is the procedure.

ensure your S3 bucket is private. Only authenticated and authorised calls are allowed to get your objects

on the server side, when rendering the page, generate links to S3 object that include a signature. The signature will be computed from your access and secret key and will tell S3 that the call must be authorised

S3 Signed URL are easy to generate from our SDK. For PHP, just check the doc at http://docs.aws.amazon.com/aws-sdk-php/guide/latest/service-s3.html#creating-a-pre-signed-url

in the web page, when the user will click a signed URL, the browser will be directed to S3. S3 will verify the signature and - when correct - will get the object


