在AWS EC2实例空卷曲在PHP返回卷曲、实例、AWS、PHP

由网友(归戾)分享简介:我有AWS EC2,Apache服务器设置。所有的网页都工作,除了无论我起诉卷曲两个地方。继指针按这个问题在网上搜索,这是否按预期工作:I have AWS EC2 , Apache server setup. All website pages are working except for two places w...

我有AWS EC2,Apache服务器设置。所有的网页都工作,除了无论我起诉卷曲两个地方。继指针按这个问题在网上搜索,这是否按预期工作:

I have AWS EC2 , Apache server setup. All website pages are working except for two places whereever I sued CURL. Following pointers as per this issue search online, which are working as expected:

卷曲显示了向上的phpinfo()。 curl命令可以访问和运行翻过。 Apache2中确实有卷曲安装。 从CLI curl命令工作正常。 (卷曲的http://本地主机并卷曲www.google.com)这两个正在

CURL is showing up in phpinfo(). CURL command is accessible and running accross. Apache2 does have CURL installed. curl command from CLI is working fine. (curl http://localhost and curl www.google.com) both are working.


When I ran following function, url when run in browser $url, returns data as expected. But when I run from PHP, none of the echo commands ever returned a values. Further, values seem to be null.

功能get_patients(){     $主机=的file_get_contents(' -HostName ');     $ URL = $主机名'/文件夹1 / app1.php吗?';

function get_patients(){ $hostname = file_get_contents(''); $url = $hostname.'/folder1/app1.php?all';

//echo $url;

///$url .= urlencode($query);//.'&key='.$key;

$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);

//echo $curl;

curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT , 400);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 400);

$data = curl_exec($curl);


//decoding request

$result = json_decode($data, true);

//print_r( $data);

return $result;

这是第一个函数,在此基础上大多数API都依赖。这上面的PHP文件是无功/网络/ HTML /文件夹1。当我访问了主要的API,我想在浏览器访问, $主机名。'/文件夹1 / app1.php?所有的',不作为托管本地Apache服务器,甚至远程域上的返回数据主机服务器。它只是不工作AWS EC2。

This is the first function, based on which most of APIs are dependent on. This above php file is in var/www/html/folder1. when I access the main API that I am trying to access in browser, $hostname.'/folder1/app1.php?all', does return data as hosted on a local apache server and even remote domain host server as well. Its just not working with AWS EC2.



Thanks ton for reply. Upon continuous troubleshooting I got this fixed. Needed a change in configuration to be modified in php.ini in apache server configuration, just make sure settings and versions are same in both PHP5 as well as Apache2 folders on server. Also PHP5 MUST have PHP5-libcurl installed, which was already there on my server. Thank you everyone for swift response.


