
由网友(左顾右看`)分享简介:亚马逊SES(简单电子邮件服务)的自我描述为高度可扩展性和成本效益的散装和交易电子邮件发送服务。The Amazon SES (Simple Email Service) self-described as a "highly scalable and cost-effective bulk and transact...


The Amazon SES (Simple Email Service) self-described as a "highly scalable and cost-effective bulk and transactional email-sending service".

这一切,我可以收集,并仔细阅读了AWS SDK以及在SES向导和API,它看起来伟大的交易电子邮件(以一次性方式发送,即应用程序的电子邮件),但我无法找到任何东西批量电子邮件。

From everything that I can gather, and by perusing the AWS SDK as well as the SES guides and API, it looks great for transactional emails (i.e. application emails sent in a one-off fashion), but I cannot find anything about bulk emailing.


Based on the price-point, Amazon clearly wants/needs customers to send very large quantities of mail.


Is the expectation that you (as someone implementing Amazon SES) make individual calls per email send?

即。如果要发送营销邮件至200,000收件人,你真的让通过卷曲(或其他)200K请求到SendEmail或SendRawEmail或使用AWS SDK?

i.e. If you are sending a marketing email to 200,000 recipients, do you really make 200K requests to the SendEmail or SendRawEmail via curl (or whatever) or using the AWS sdk?



如果你在的 它的API参考一定会看起来像您可以发送到多个帐户每个请求的时候。

If you take a look in the API reference it would certainly look like you can send to more than one account at a time per request.


SendEmail requires an argument of 'Destination' of type 'Destination'.

目标有三个属性:ToAddresses,CCAddresses,BCCAddresses - 都是类型为字符串列表

Destination has three properties: ToAddresses, CCAddresses, BCCAddresses - all are of type "string list".


If you look at the example requests in the Developer Guide, you'll see it specified the destination addresses as an argument similar to:



I'm going to go out on a limb and guess for a 'string list' they're expecting multiple addresses in a format similar to:


其实,我在你的问题,迷迷糊糊寻找答案我的一些关于SES自己的问题 - 作为尚未在文档是完全够使用,但并不总是非常有帮助的 - 你经常做一些有趣的推论得到答案 - 只是一个公平的警告你!

I actually stumbled across your question looking for answers to some of my own questions about SES - as of yet the docs are complete enough to use, but not always terribly helpful - you often have to make some fun inferences to get answers - just a fair warning for you!



One other thing that might be possible I pulled from the quote you posted in your self-answer:

无论是通过修改软件来直接调用亚马逊SES,或重新配置它通过亚马逊SES SMTP中继上述提供的电子邮件。

either by modifying the software to directly call Amazon SES, or reconfiguring it to deliver email through an Amazon SES SMTP relay as described above.

。你可以只拍了几千封电子邮件和SMTP服务器将处理排队的/ etc它击中亚马逊之前。

If you set up your own SMTP server, and just have it relay/forward through SES, that might handle your queuing/etc. You can just shoot out a few thousand e-mails and your SMTP server will handle queuing/etc before it hits Amazon.


