
由网友(爱国爱家爱尼玛︶°)分享简介:我试图创建一个文本和图像的屏幕。我想要的图像进行布局像一个网格,如下图所示,但我希望他们有没有其他的一个提供周边滚动型的滚动功能。 I'm trying to create a screen with both text and images. I want the images to be laid out lik...


I'm trying to create a screen with both text and images. I want the images to be laid out like a grid, as shown below, but I want them to have no scroll functionality other that the one provided by the surrounding ScrollView.


An image will best illustrate my question:

        <ImageView />
        <TextView />
        <GridView />
        <TextView />


What is the best way to make show a grid of a varying number of images, where the grid does not have scroll functionality?


Please note that disabling the scroll functionality for the GridView does not work, as this just disables the scrollbars but does not show all items.

更新: 下面的图片是什么样子的滚动条在GridView禁用。

Update: The image below shows what it looks like with scrollbars disabled in the GridView.



Oh boy, yeah, you're gonna have trouble with this one. It drives me nuts that ListViews and GridViews can't be expanded to wrap their children, because we all know that they have more beneficial features in addition to their scrolling and the recycling of their children.


Nonetheless, you can hack around this or create your own layout to suit your needs without too much difficulty. Off the top of my head, I can think of two possibilities:

在我自己的应用程序我都嵌入一个滚动型中的一个ListView。我已经被明确地告诉ListView控件是完全一样高的内容做到了这一点。我这样做是通过改变权 ListView.onMeasure()方法,像这样内部的布局参数:

In my own app I have embedded a ListView within a ScrollView. I have done this by explicitly telling the ListView to be exactly as high as its contents. I do it by changing the layout parameters right inside the ListView.onMeasure() method like so:

public class ExpandableListView extends ListView {

    boolean expanded = false;

    public ExpandableListView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defaultStyle) {
        super(context, attrs, defaultStyle);

    public boolean isExpanded() {
        return expanded;

    public void setExpanded(boolean expanded) {
        this.expanded = expanded;

    public void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
        if (isExpanded()) {         
            // Calculate entire height by providing a very large height hint.
            // View.MEASURED_SIZE_MASK represents the largest height possible.
            int expandSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(MEASURED_SIZE_MASK,
            super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, expandSpec);

            LayoutParams params = getLayoutParams();
            params.height = getMeasuredHeight();
        } else {
            super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);

这工作,因为当你给ListView控件 AT_MOST 的一种模式,它创建和措施,所有的孩子对你,对里面的 onMeasure 办法(我通过在源$ C ​​$ C浏览发现这一点)。希望GridView控件的行为是相同的,但如果没有,你仍然可以衡量自己的GridView的所有内容。但它会更容易,如果你能欺骗GridView控件到这样做是为了你。

This works because when you give the ListView a mode of AT_MOST, it creates and measures all of its children for you, right inside the onMeasure method (I discovered this by browsing through the source code). Hopefully GridView behaves the same, but if it doesn't, you can still measure all the contents of the GridView yourself. But it would be easier if you could trick the GridView into doing it for you.


Now, you must keep in mind that this solution would completely disable the view recycling that makes GridView so efficient, and all those ImageViews will be in memory even if they're not visible. Same goes with my next solution.

另一种可能性是沟GridView和创建自己的布局。你可以扩展为 AbsoluteLayout RelativeLayout的。例如,如果你扩展 RelativeLayout的,你可以将每个图像 LEFT_OF 的previous之一,跟踪每幅图像的宽度,直到你运行的空间在该行上,然后通过将新行的第一个图像在过去的最高图像开始的下一行行。为了获得水平居中或等间距列你必须要经过更痛的图像。也许AbsoluteLayout更好。无论哪种方式,一种痛苦。

The other possibility is to ditch the GridView and create your own layout. You could extend either AbsoluteLayout or RelativeLayout. For example, if you extend RelativeLayout, you could place each image LEFT_OF the previous one, keeping track of the width of each image until you run out of room on that row, and then start the next row by placing the first image of the new row BELOW the tallest image of the last row. To get the images horizontally centered or in equally-spaced columns you'll have to go through even more pain. Maybe AbsoluteLayout is better. Either way, kind of a pain.



