
由网友(相关游戏名字推荐>>)分享简介:我所遇到的一个奇怪的错误。我有一个使用外部库的Andr​​oid项目,具体为:I have come across a strange error. I have an Android project that uses external libraries, in particular:Android的支持,v4....


I have come across a strange error. I have an Android project that uses external libraries, in particular:

Android的支持,v4.jar(在Android 1.6的片段支持) GoogleAdMobAdsSdk-4.3.1.jar(为广告)


The project ran fine until I updated some aspects of the plugin (can't recall the specifics as I did not pay too much attention to it) and after that, whenever I try to use any class from the above .jar files (or any of its subclasses, even ones defined by me), I would get a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError. I could not find the answer after much searching, so I am really stumped.


I believe this problem is related to how my IDE is set up and it has little to do with actual code, so I will not post any unless if it's absolutely necessary.


您需要阅读这一点 - 在Android的依赖项目处理。

You need to read this - Dealing with dependencies in Android projects.

此环节也非常有用 - ClassDefNotFoundError与ADT 17

This link is also useful - ClassDefNotFoundError with ADT 17


Basically, create a folder called libs and place all of your jar files inside. The recent update will automatically take care of the rest for you. You don't need to edit your path anymore.