
由网友(習慣了孤單)分享简介:我想打一个动画为当查看得到它的可见性设置为 GONE 。而不是仅仅dissapearing,在查看应崩溃。我想这与 ScaleAnimation 但随后的查看倒塌,但布局将只调整它的后空间(或前)动画停止(或启动)。I want to make an Animation for when a View gets it...

我想打一个动画为当查看得到它的可见性设置为 GONE 。而不是仅仅dissapearing,在查看应崩溃。我想这与 ScaleAnimation 但随后的查看倒塌,但布局将只调整它的后空间(或前)动画停止(或启动)。

I want to make an Animation for when a View gets it's visibility set to GONE. Instead of just dissapearing, the View should 'collapse'. I tried this with a ScaleAnimation but then the View is collapse, but the layout will only resize it's space after (or before) the Animation stops (or starts).


How can I make the Animation so that, while animating, the lower Views will stay directly below the content, instead of having a blank space?



There doesn't seem to be an easy way to do this through the API, because the animation just changes the rendering matrix of the view, not the actual size. But we can set a negative margin to fool LinearLayout into thinking that the view is getting smaller.


So I'd recommend creating your own Animation class, based on ScaleAnimation, and overriding the "applyTransformation" method to set new margins and update the layout. Like this...

public class Q2634073 extends Activity implements OnClickListener {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    public void onClick(View view) {
        view.startAnimation(new MyScaler(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 500, view, true));

    public class MyScaler extends ScaleAnimation {

        private View mView;

        private LayoutParams mLayoutParams;

        private int mMarginBottomFromY, mMarginBottomToY;

        private boolean mVanishAfter = false;

        public MyScaler(float fromX, float toX, float fromY, float toY, int duration, View view,
                boolean vanishAfter) {
            super(fromX, toX, fromY, toY);
            mView = view;
            mVanishAfter = vanishAfter;
            mLayoutParams = (LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams();
            int height = mView.getHeight();
            mMarginBottomFromY = (int) (height * fromY) + mLayoutParams.bottomMargin - height;
            mMarginBottomToY = (int) (0 - ((height * toY) + mLayoutParams.bottomMargin)) - height;

        protected void applyTransformation(float interpolatedTime, Transformation t) {
            super.applyTransformation(interpolatedTime, t);
            if (interpolatedTime < 1.0f) {
                int newMarginBottom = mMarginBottomFromY
                        + (int) ((mMarginBottomToY - mMarginBottomFromY) * interpolatedTime);
                mLayoutParams.setMargins(mLayoutParams.leftMargin, mLayoutParams.topMargin,
                    mLayoutParams.rightMargin, newMarginBottom);
            } else if (mVanishAfter) {




The usual caveat applies: because we are overriding a protected method (applyTransformation), this is not guaranteed to work in future versions of Android.


