
由网友(旧约〞)分享简介:我想使我的Andr​​oid应用程序的视图上轻扫/一扔多个视图之间翻转。我想它的行为或多或少像Android的发射行为视图之间翻转时。尤其是,I'd like to make a view in my Android app that flips between multiple views on a swipe/f...


I'd like to make a view in my Android app that flips between multiple views on a swipe/fling. I'd like it to behave more or less like the Android Launcher behaves when flipping between views. In particular,

应该翻盖上刷一下看法。 一般刷卡将一个视图和下之间翻转。它不应该在所有的意见一扔。 如果你慢慢刷,你应该看到的景色拖着为你刷卡,如。的方式,启动做的。


I tried using a ViewFlipper with a GestureOverlayView as per Romain Guy's blog post here, but there's no indicator to the user as they're swiping. This makes discoverability difficult, which is presumably why Launcher does it the way they do.


I tried using a Gallery object, but when I swipe from left to right, there's a certain amount of momentum that flings the users through all the views rather than just taking them to the next view.


Is there a good way to accomplish what I'm trying to do?


我知道这是一个老问题,但ViewPager针对此相同目的而设立。 ViewPager是Android的兼容包和更多的一部分,可以在http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2011/08/horizontal-view-swiping-with-viewpager.html

I know this is an old question but ViewPager is created for this exact same purpose. ViewPager is part of android compatibility package and more can be found at http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2011/08/horizontal-view-swiping-with-viewpager.html


