由网友(书眉间清风)分享简介:我有一个类似的问题列出的here和here.I have a similar problem to the ones listed here and here.我每一次我尝试在我的摩托罗拉Xoom安装我的应用程序得到一个INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT错误。I am getting an INSTALL...


I have a similar problem to the ones listed here and here.


I am getting an INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT error every time I try to install my app on my Motorola Xoom.


Here is the error message from the console:

[2011-08-02 09:34:43 - Blade] Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT
[2011-08-02 09:34:43 - Blade] Please check logcat output for more details.
[2011-08-02 09:34:43 - Blade] Launch canceled!


And here is the corresponding logcat:

08-02 09:47:48.910: ERROR/PackageManager(142): Package com.theisenp.blade has mismatched uid: 10023 on disk, 10073 in settings
08-02 09:47:48.910: INFO/PackageManager(142): Linking native library dir for /data/app/com.theisenp.blade-1.apk
08-02 09:47:49.110: ERROR/dalvikvm(2094): Duplicate interface: 'Lgnu/trove/TIntIntProcedure;'
08-02 09:47:49.110: ERROR/dalvikvm(2094): Trouble with item 1108 @ offset 0x5d49c
08-02 09:47:49.110: ERROR/dalvikvm(2094): Cross-item verify of section type 0006 failed
08-02 09:47:49.110: ERROR/dalvikvm(2094): ERROR: Byte swap + verify failed
08-02 09:47:50.140: ERROR/dalvikvm(2094): Optimization failed
08-02 09:47:50.150: WARN/installd(91): DexInv: --- END '/data/app/com.theisenp.blade-1.apk' --- status=0xff00, process failed
08-02 09:47:50.150: ERROR/installd(91): dexopt failed on '/data/dalvik-cache/data@app@com.theisenp.blade-1.apk@classes.dex' res = 65280
08-02 09:47:50.160: WARN/PackageManager(142): Package couldn't be installed in /data/app/com.theisenp.blade-1.apk


Here's what I've tried so far:

选择在运行配置中的清除用户数据选项 - >目标菜单。 (虽然我只能看到在此选项卡仿真器,而不是我的物理设备。也许我实际上并没有从Xoom的抹用户数据?) 在尝试之前卸载从我的设备的应用程序,以重新安装 重新启动设备多次

您可以提供的任何建议都非常AP preciated!

Any suggestions you can offer are very much appreciated!



Try to uninstall this app, and all others who have your signature on your device (your other apps). Clean your project and restart install. Also, you should consider installing your app through another mean that ADB, for instance using dropbox.


