
由网友(社会狗多ゞ别被咬)分享简介:我有问题,当我想要一个Android平台添加到我的PhoneGap的应用程序。我得到了我的CLI此消息时,我执行命令科尔多瓦平台添加机器人:I got problem when i want to add an android platform to my phoneGap application.I got t...

我有问题,当我想要一个Android平台添加到我的PhoneGap的应用程序。 我得到了我的CLI此消息时,我执行命令科尔多瓦平台添加机器人:

I got problem when i want to add an android platform to my phoneGap application. I got this message in my CLI when i execute the command cordova platform add android :

检查Android的要求... (错误:同时列出Android的目标发生了错误)

Checking Android requirements... (Error: An error occurred while listing Android targets)

我已经尝试添加路径变量我的Andr​​oid SDK中的位置。

I already try to add my android sdk location in the path variable.

请帮帮我! :D

我工作在Windows 7 64位的,我安装Android的API 17,18和19的Andr​​oid SDK。 我是3.2的PhoneGap版本。

I work on Windows 7 64 bits, i install the android API 17, 18 and 19 with the android SDK. I am on 3.2 phoneGap version.


要工作,这科尔多瓦命令需要使用一些程序设到 SDK /工具目录。你还需要安装的 Apache Ant的

To work, this cordova command needs to use some programs located into your sdk/tools directory. You need also have installed apache ant.

然后,你必须添加这些目录到 PATH 系统变量:

Then you must add these directories into your PATH system variable:


让我们假设你已经安装了你的Android SDK 到 C: SDK 机器人目录 您已经安装了您 Apache Ant的到 C:工具 Apache的蚂蚁目录 let's assume you have installed your Android SDK to the c:sdkandroid directory you have installed you Apache ant to the c:toolsapache-ant directory


Then you must create two system variables:

ANDROID_HOME C: SDK 机器人 ANT_HOME C:工具 Apache的蚂蚁ANDROID_HOME with the c:sdkandroid value ANT_HOME with the c:toolsapache-ant value

最后,你必须修改 PATH 变量,并添加这两个到 PATH 值的结尾:

Finally, you must modify the PATH variable and add those two to the end of the PATH' value:



NOTE: for those who uses Linux, the instruction differs a bit.



