
由网友(易碎的情绪有些多余╮)分享简介:GridView是一个类,扩展适配器视图的,这意味着它有效地显示在细胞网格式,循环旧观点被显示为新的当用户滚动吧。GridView is a class that extends AdapterView , which means it shows cells in a grid-style efficiently...


GridView is a class that extends AdapterView , which means it shows cells in a grid-style efficiently, recycling old views to be shown as new ones when the user scrolls it.


Sometimes, you would want to get a special UI, which resembles the Windows Phone Tiles UI, having cells of different sizes on top of each other.




each letter represents a part of its cell, so cell A is 2x4 , cell B and cell C take 2x1 each , and cell D is 2x2 .


It could be even more than that, where cell D finished a bit above what i've shown, and right beneath it there is another cell so the end of D and the end of A aren't necessary aligned.

一个应用程序,具有这种风格的一个例子是 Pinterest的。

an example of an app that has this style is pinterest .


GridView doesn't allow such a thing.


In fact , every solution I've tried has issues. Would like to ask if there are any other alternatives or better solutions.


There are multiple ways to handle this problem:

作为扩展AdapterView 的GridView 必须有一个类型为每个项目(使用BaseAdapter),这将允许您设置布局单元格中。

As a class that extends AdapterView GridView has the ability to have a type for each item (using the BaseAdapter), which would allow you to set how to layout the cell .


However, it still limits you since you will get rows of items, one beneath the other. you have to have them aligned.

GridLayout是一个相对较新的布局,这是相当灵活的。谷歌已经发布了它一个很好的兼容性,supporing API7以上。

GridLayout is a relatively new layout, and it's quite flexible. Google has published a nice compatibility library for it, supporing API7 and above.


However, it doesn't use any recycling of views, so it's a bad choice in case you wish to show a lot of items.


If you have a lot of items, you would need to create all of the views for them .

QuiltView库 - 从网格布局延伸,所以主要有喜欢同样的问题。

QuiltView Library - extends from GridLayout, so basically has the same problem like it.

StaggeredGridView - 特别是改变方向时,看起来最有前途的,但有一个很大的错误。这样的错误包括空单元格,坏的滚动和NPE(罕见,但仍然发生)。我也不能确定它是否支持具有特定的细胞,而不是单独imageViews。

StaggeredGridView - looks the most promising, but has a lot of bugs, especially when changing orientation. such bugs include empty cells, bad scrolling and NPEs (rare but still happens). I'm also not sure if it supports having customized cells instead of imageViews alone .


other solutions, as mentions here .


The question

Does anyone know of another alternative to this problem? Maybe some workarounds for any of the solutions I've shown?


I think that about StaggeredGridView , the scrolling and exceptions can be solved by using a normal ImageView that you set its size inside the getView. i think that the reason for it to work in a weird way is that the sample updates the size of the imageview after it was loaded from the internet.


However, empty cells issue still remains in this library. not only that, but their sizes change a lot , even without changing the orientation.

编辑:就目前而言,我认为最好的解决办法是使用, PinterestLikeAdapterView库 。

for now, i think the best solution is to use , PinterestLikeAdapterView library.


it doesn't have any issues that i can find.


however, it can't make items to take more than 1 cell width. it's very good nevertheless.


sadly it has issues with notifyDataSetChanged . i've reported about it here.


我想的 RecyclerView 与 StaggeredGridLayoutManager 可以解决这个问题,如果你想也有一个快速滚动,你可以尝试的 这个库 。

I think a RecyclerView with StaggeredGridLayoutManager can solve this issue, and that if you wish to also have a fast-scroller, you can try this library.


So, no more trick are needed, as Google provided a solution...


