Android的BLE API:GATT通知没有收到通知、BLE、Android、GATT

由网友(我罪该如此)分享简介:用于测试设备:的Nexus 4,安卓4.3 Device used for testing: Nexus 4, Android 4.3连接工作正常,但我的回调 onCharacteristicChanged 方法不会被调用。不过我在注册通知使用 setCharacteristicNotification(字符,真)...

用于测试设备:的Nexus 4,安卓4.3

Device used for testing: Nexus 4, Android 4.3

连接工作正常,但我的回调 onCharacteristicChanged 方法不会被调用。不过我在注册通知使用 setCharacteristicNotification(字符,真) onServicesDiscovered 和功能甚至返回true。

Connection is working fine but the onCharacteristicChangedMethod of my callback is never called. However I am registering for notifications using setCharacteristicNotification(char, true) inside onServicesDiscovered and that function even returns true.


Device log (there are actually no messages at all when notifications should appear / are sent via the Bluetooth device):

07-28 18:15:06.936  16777-16809/de.ffuf.leica.sketch D/BluetoothGatt: setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: 3ab10101-f831-4395-b29d-570977d5bf94 enable: true
07-28 18:15:06.936    4372-7645/ D/BtGatt.GattService: registerForNotification() - address=C9:79:25:34:19:6C enable: true
07-28 18:15:06.936    4372-7645/ D/BtGatt.btif: btif_gattc_reg_for_notification
07-28 18:15:06.946    4372-7645/ D/BtGatt.btif: btgattc_handle_event: Event 1018
07-28 18:15:06.946    4372-7645/ D/BtGatt.GattService: onRegisterForNotifications() - address=null, status=0, registered=1, charUuid=3ab10101-f831-4395-b29d-570977d5bf94
07-28 18:15:06.946    4372-7645/ D/BtGatt.btif: btgattc_handle_event: Event 1016
07-28 18:15:06.946    4372-7645/ D/BtGatt.btif: btgattc_handle_event: Event 1018
07-28 18:15:06.946    4372-7645/ D/BtGatt.GattService: onRegisterForNotifications() - address=null, status=0, registered=1, charUuid=3ab10102-f831-4395-b29d-570977d5bf94
07-28 18:15:06.946    4372-7645/ D/BtGatt.btif: btgattc_handle_event: Event 1016
07-28 18:15:06.946    4372-7684/ E/bt-btif: already has a pending command!!
07-28 18:15:06.946    4372-7645/ D/BtGatt.btif: btgattc_handle_event: Event 1013
07-28 18:15:06.946    4372-7684/ E/bt-btif: already has a pending command!!
07-28 18:15:06.946    4372-7645/ D/BtGatt.btif: btgattc_handle_event: Event 1013
07-28 18:15:06.946    4372-7684/ E/bt-btif: already has a pending command!!
07-28 18:15:06.976    4372-7645/ D/BtGatt.btif: btif_gattc_upstreams_evt: Event 9


GATT Notifications work fine using iOS and the app basically does the same as on Android (registering for notification etc.).


Has anyone else experienced this with a possible solution?



It seems like you forgot to write the Descriptor which tells your BLE device to go in this mode. See the code lines that deal with descriptor at

如果不设置这个描述符,你从来没有收到更新的特性。呼叫 setCharacteristicNotification 是远远不够的。这是一个常见的​​错误。

Without setting this descriptor, you never receive updates to a characteristic. Calling setCharacteristicNotification is not enough. This is a common mistake.


protected static final UUID CHARACTERISTIC_UPDATE_NOTIFICATION_DESCRIPTOR_UUID = UUID.fromString("00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb");

public boolean setCharacteristicNotification(BluetoothDevice device, UUID serviceUuid, UUID characteristicUuid,
        boolean enable) {
    if (IS_DEBUG)
        Log.d(TAG, "setCharacteristicNotification(device=" + device.getName() + device.getAddress() + ", UUID="
                + characteristicUuid + ", enable=" + enable + " )");
    BluetoothGatt gatt = mGattInstances.get(device.getAddress()); //I just hold the gatt instances I got from connect in this HashMap
    BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic = gatt.getService(serviceUuid).getCharacteristic(characteristicUuid);
    gatt.setCharacteristicNotification(characteristic, enable);
    BluetoothGattDescriptor descriptor = characteristic.getDescriptor(CHARACTERISTIC_UPDATE_NOTIFICATION_DESCRIPTOR_UUID);
    descriptor.setValue(enable ? BluetoothGattDescriptor.ENABLE_NOTIFICATION_VALUE : new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
    return gatt.writeDescriptor(descriptor); //descriptor write operation successfully started? 

