变化的活动主题,在采用Android deppending的片段片段、主题、Android、deppending

由网友(每天都被自己萌醒)分享简介:我有几个片段之间切换的活动。本次活动有一个默认的风格,但是当我更改为某个特定的片段我希望它改变了风格。我做了一些研究,我得到这个$ C $的片段c表示我在onCreateView运行():I have an activity that switches between several fragments. This...

我有几个片段之间切换的活动。本次活动有一个默认的风格,但是当我更改为某个特定的片段我希望它改变了风格。我做了一些研究,我得到这个$ C $的片段c表示我在onCreateView运行():

I have an activity that switches between several fragments. This activity has a default style, but when i change to some particular fragments i want it to change the style. I've done some research and i got this code that i run in the onCreateView() of a fragment:

// create ContextThemeWrapper from the original Activity Context with the custom theme
    Context context = new ContextThemeWrapper(getActivity(), R.style.GreyTheme);
    // clone the inflater using the ContextThemeWrapper
    LayoutInflater localInflater = inflater.cloneInContext(context);
    // inflate using the cloned inflater, not the passed in default 

    View rootView = localInflater.inflate(R.layout.my_layout, container, false);


This code only works if the activity is restarted (eg: if i rotate the device it updates to the new style as i want). I think that it is not possible to switch between styles witout recreating an activity or am i wrong?




You can not change the current theme if the Activity has been created.

如果该活动将重新启动该code只适用(例如:如果我旋转   设备它更新到新的风格,因为我想要的)。我认为这是不   可以不用其他重建活动方式之间切换还是我   我错了吗?

This code only works if the activity is restarted (eg: if i rotate the device it updates to the new style as i want). I think that it is not possible to switch between styles witout recreating an activity or am i wrong?


As rotating includes a recreation of the activity, this is the reason on why is "working".


But… there is one application called Pocket (also Press and Firefox if I remember correctly) that does this in a clever way.



Basically the trick lies in this formula:

Base Color1 + Middle Color = Theme Color 1

Base Color2 + Middle Color = Theme Color 2


Keep in mind that Middle Color is the same. For the base color you have to put it to the Window holding your app instance, something like this:

getWindow().setBackgroundDrawable(new ColorDrawable(isLight ? Color.WHITE : Color.BLACK));


Therefore when is combined with an intermediate color, gives you two different themes.


Here you can see how you can do it (it explains the concept very well):

HTTP://sriramramani.word$p $ pss.com / 2012/12/06 /运行时主题改变/



Added more explanations to the link posts


