
由网友(初三狗)分享简介:我的设置在自己的进程中运行的服务,CentralService 在调用startActivityForResult()的一个活动,MainActivity 正在启动对结果的活动,ReturnResultActivity 我试图做开始ReturnResultActivity并将其绑定到服务(注册其处理程序)让任何其...


在自己的进程中运行的服务,CentralService 在调用startActivityForResult()的一个活动,MainActivity 正在启动对结果的活动,ReturnResultActivity


开始ReturnResultActivity并将其绑定到服务(注册其处理程序) 让任何其他活动,要运行运行 当它接收来自服务的消息: 从服务解除绑定 在完成() 的setResult() 调用了MainActivity的onActivityResult()方法


  V / ActivityManager(60):整理活动:令牌= HistoryRecord {442cc518 com.myActivity / .primitives.ReturnResultActivity},结果= 3,数据= {意向(有临时演员)}
V / ActivityManager(60):添加结果HistoryRecord {442a3988 com.mainActivity.sample / .MainActivity}谁= NULL REQ = 500解析度= 3的数据= {意向(有临时演员)}







 公共类ReturnResultActivity扩展SomeActivity {
    私有静态最终布尔DEBUG = TRUE;

        消息味精= Message.obtain(空,
        msg.replyTo = mMessenger;

        尝试 {

    / **此方法被称为最终doUnbindService后调用** /
        如果(调试)Log.i(TAG,解除绑定和整理); //我可以告诉这个被调用,当我运行
        如果(数据!= NULL){

        如果(调试)Log.i(TAG,传入消息监听器:+ msg.what);

                束束= msg.getData();


美化 简单的ios不仿安卓 更新 触宝刷分 iPhone 5s 综合讨论区 威锋论坛 威锋网


 公共类MainActivity扩展CustomActivity {
    私有静态最终布尔DEBUG = TRUE;



        如果(调试)Log.i(TAG,得到了活动的结果+结果code); //这个不会被调用


没有堆栈跟踪显示在我的LogCat中的窗口。 请帮帮忙!


  I / ActivityManager(60):启动活动:意向{行为= android.intent.action.MAIN猫= [android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] FLG = 0x10200000 CMP = COM .mainActivity.sample / .MainActivity}
V / ActivityManager(60):发送结果HistoryRecord {44253568 com.android.launcher / com.android.launcher2.Launcher}(指数-1)
I / ActivityManager(60):首发活动未选中锁定
V / ActivityManager(60):com.mainActivity.sample.MainActivity音频活动实测
V / ActivityManager(60):创造业绩,以HistoryRecord {442c0310 com.mainActivity.sample / .MainActivity}:[ResultInfo {谁= NULL,请求= 500,结果= 3,数据= {意向(有临时演员)}}]
V / ActivityThread(327):处理发送结果ActivityRecord {440de270 token=android.os.BinderProxy@440ddca0 {com.mainActivity.sample / com.mainAcitivty.sample.MainActivity}}
V / ActivityThread(327):交付结果的活动ActivityRecord {440de270 token=android.os.BinderProxy@440ddca0 {com.mainActivity.sample / com.mainActivity.sample.MainActivity}}:ResultInfo {谁= NULL,请求= 500,结果= 3,数据= {意向(有临时演员)}}
I / MainActivity(327):GOT活动成果3

我的理论是,任务没有运行包含MainActivity因为消息是从CentralService接收。有什么想法吗?任何想法如何切换到正确的任务。 (注意,尽管这看起来是不好的做法和破坏性上的用户切换任务,并把另一个活动的最前沿,这是我想做的事情。这是因为这将最终在Android的定制版本,这将使所有运行这不是破坏性的。)


回来这个问题,经过2年后,这个问题是由于活动是在一个新的任务中启动。 (我设置的意图我火)。启动一个启动一个新任务的活动的结果将立即返回-1。

My Setup

A Service running in its own process, CentralService An activity that calls startActivityForResult(), MainActivity The activity that is being started for result, ReturnResultActivity

What I'm trying to do

Start ReturnResultActivity and have it bind to the service (register its handler) Let whatever other activities want to run run When it receives a message from the service: Unbind from the Service finish() setResult()

Have the MainActivity's onActivityResult() method called

Using Log.i I have confirmed that steps 1 to 3 happen. However when the onActivityResult() method should be called I get the following in the log:

V/ActivityManager(   60): Finishing activity: token=HistoryRecord{442cc518 com.myActivity/.primitives.ReturnResultActivity}, result=3, data=Intent { (has extras) }
V/ActivityManager(   60): Adding result to HistoryRecord{442a3988 com.mainActivity.sample/.MainActivity} who=null req=500 res=3 data=Intent { (has extras) }

Additional information

Every entity is in a separate project (I have 3 projects interacting with each other) and therefore they are all running in their own process.

The MainActivity is started from the Service with the following code:

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);
intent.setClassName(activityInfo.packageName, activityInfo.name);

Some of the Code

Return Result Activity:

public class ReturnResultActivity extends SomeActivity {
    private static final boolean DEBUG = true;
    private static final String TAG = "ReturnResultActivity";

    protected void onBind() {
        // We want to monitor the service for as long as we are
        // connected to it.
        Message msg = Message.obtain(null,
        msg.replyTo = mMessenger;

        try {
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            // In this case the service has crashed before we could even
            // do anything with it; we can count on soon being
            // disconnected (and then reconnected if it can be restarted)
            // so there is no need to do anything here.

    /** this method is called eventually after doUnbindService is called **/
    protected void onUnbind() {
        if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "Unbinding and finishing"); //I can tell this gets called when I run it
        if (data != null) {
            setResult(CentralService.MSG_SPEECH_RECOGNIZED, data);

    Intent data;
    protected boolean receiveMessage(Message msg) {
        if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "Incoming Message to Listener: " + msg.what);

        switch (msg.what) {
            case ASRManager.MSG_SPEECH_RECOGNIZED:
                data = new Intent();
                Bundle bundle = msg.getData();
                data.putExtra(ASRManager.TOKEN_PARCEL_KEY, bundle.getParcelable(ASRManager.TOKEN_PARCEL_KEY));
                if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "Received speech, setting result.");

                return true;
                return false;


Main Activity

public class MainActivity extends CustomActivity {
    private static final boolean DEBUG = true;
    private static final String TAG = "MainActivity";

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        Intent intent = new Intent("com.custom.returnresultaction");
        startActivityForResult(listenIntent, 500);


    protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
        if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "Got activity result " + resultCode); //this doesn't get called


No stack traces show up in my LogCat window. Please help!

EDIT: Interesting new information. If I then launch MainActivity from the launcher I see the following in logcat:

I/ActivityManager(   60): Starting activity: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.mainActivity.sample/.MainActivity }
V/ActivityManager(   60): Sending result to HistoryRecord{44253568 com.android.launcher/com.android.launcher2.Launcher} (index -1)
I/ActivityManager(   60): Starting Activity Unchecked Locked
V/ActivityManager(   60): com.mainActivity.sample.MainActivity Audio Activity Found
V/ActivityManager(   60): Delivering results to HistoryRecord{442c0310 com.mainActivity.sample/.MainActivity}: [ResultInfo{who=null, request=500, result=3, data=Intent { (has extras) }}]
V/ActivityThread(  327): Handling send result to ActivityRecord{440de270 token=android.os.BinderProxy@440ddca0 {com.mainActivity.sample/com.mainAcitivty.sample.MainActivity}}
V/ActivityThread(  327): Delivering result to activity ActivityRecord{440de270 token=android.os.BinderProxy@440ddca0 {com.mainActivity.sample/com.mainActivity.sample.MainActivity}} : ResultInfo{who=null, request=500, result=3, data=Intent { (has extras) }}
I/MainActivity(  327): Got activity result 3

My theory is that the task is not running which contains the MainActivity because the message is received from the CentralService. Any thoughts? Any idea how to switch to the correct task. (note even though this may seem bad practice and disruptive to switch tasks on a user and bring another Activity to the forefront this is what I want to do. This is because this will eventually be running on a custom version of android which will make all this not disruptive.)


After coming back to this question 2 years later the issue is because the activity is launched in a new task. (I set this in the intent I fire). Starting an activity for result that launches in a new task immediately will return -1.


