
由网友(二货的世界你不懂)分享简介:下面的情景:活动包含片段 A ,从而使用 getChildFragmentManager()添加片段 A1 和 A2 在的onCreate 像这样:Here's the scenario: Activity contains fragment A, which in turn uses getChildFragmen...

下面的情景:活动包含片段 A ,从而使用 getChildFragmentManager()添加片段 A1 A2 的onCreate 像这样:

Here's the scenario: Activity contains fragment A, which in turn uses getChildFragmentManager() to add fragments A1 and A2 in its onCreate like so:

  .replace(R.id.fragmentOneHolder, new FragmentA1())
  .replace(R.id.fragmentTwoHolder, new FragmentA2())


So far, so good, everything is running as expected.


We then run the following transaction in the Activity:

  .setCustomAnimations(anim1, anim2, anim1, anim2)
  .replace(R.id.fragmentHolder, new FragmentB())

在过渡期间,在输入动画片段 B 正常运行,但片段A1和A2消失完全。当我们恢复交易的后退按钮,就正确初始化和显示正常的 popEnter 动画过程中。

During the transition, the enter animations for fragment B runs correctly but fragments A1 and A2 disappear entirely. When we revert the transaction with the Back button, they initialize properly and display normally during the popEnter animation.

在我简短的测试中,它得到了怪异 - 如果我设置的动画为孩子片段(见下文),在退出动画间歇运行时,我们添加片段 B

In my brief testing, it got weirder - if I set the animations for the child fragments (see below), the exit animation runs intermittently when we add fragment B

  .setCustomAnimations(enter, exit)
  .replace(R.id.fragmentOneHolder, new FragmentA1())
  .replace(R.id.fragmentTwoHolder, new FragmentA2())

我想达到的效果很简单 - 我想要的退出(?还是应 popExit )动画的片段 A (anim2)运行,动态显示整个容器,包括其嵌套子。

The effect I want to achieve is simple - I want the exit (or should it be popExit?) animation on fragment A (anim2) to run, animating the whole container, including its nested children.


Is there any way to achieve that?


Edit: Please find a test case here

EDIT2 :感谢@StevenByle为推动我继续与静态动画尝试。显然,你可以在每个运算基础(而不是全球整个交易),这意味着孩子们能有一个不确定的静态动画组设置动画,而他们的父母可以有不同的动画,整个​​事情可以提交在一个事务中。请参见下面的讨论和更新测试用例项目。

Edit2: Thanks to @StevenByle for pushing me to keep trying with the static animations. Apparently you can set animations on a per-op basis (not global to the whole transaction), which means the children can have an indefinite static animation set, while their parent can have a different animation and the whole thing can be committed in one transaction. See the discussion below and the updated test case project.



In order to avoid the user seeing the nested fragments disappearing when the parent fragment is removed/replaced in a transaction you could "simulate" those fragments still being present by providing an image of them, as they appeared on the screen. This image will be used as a background for the nested fragments container so even if the views of the nested fragment go away the image will simulate their presence. Also, I don't see loosing the interactivity with the nested fragment's views as a problem because I don't think you would want the user to act on them when they are just in the process of being removed(probably as a user action as well).


I've made a little example with setting up the background image(something basic).


