
由网友(你与时光皆薄情)分享简介:据我所知,支持库在使用,因为旧的设备没有新的API。例如,他们不知道什么片段,以及如何实现它。因此,这些行为是在支持库定义的。As far as I know, support library is using because old devices don't have new APIs. For example...


As far as I know, support library is using because old devices don't have new APIs. For example they don't know what Fragment is and how to implement it. Therefore, these behaviors are defined in support library.

所以,我的主要问题是,什么是片段库之间的/有差别(S)与它的孪生兄弟的支持库,在API 11(的Andr​​oid 3.0,蜂窝)出台。

So, my main question is, what is/are difference(s) between library of Fragment in support library with its twin which is introduced in API 11 (Android v3.0, Honeycomb).


My second question is, If its possible to put every new API in support library, why we have two types of libraries? I mean Android can release all APIs just under support library rather than support library and Android version X.xx library.



As far as I understood, support libraries may work as alternative of built-in APIs, but they are not supposed to be, because they directly effect the size of the application.

例如,一个支持库为2MB,并使用其功能,它需要所有的类,资源等(2MB的),所以现在 classes.dex (所有类的Dalvik可执行文件中的应用程序正在使用)我的应用程序还包括支持库类,以及相同的资源。因此,如果没有支持库我的应用程序大小为1MB,那么现在与支持库的大小为2MB多余的,这意味着3MB总和。

For example, a support library is of 2MB, and to use its functionality, it takes all classes, resources, etc (of 2MB), so now classes.dex (Dalvik executable file of all classes being used in application) of my application also include that support library classes, and same for resources. So, if without support library my app size was 1MB, then now with support library the size is 2MB extra, which means 3MB total.

现在,假设此支持库功能是如此普遍,在单个设备中,如果我有10个应用程序,那么至少9也是使用同样的支持库,所以9 * 2 = 18MB我的设备上所使用的相同支持库,这是用在了所有的应用程序,这是不好的,因为现在的18MB可能没那么多,但所需的空间可以提高,如果你有使用支持库更多的应用程序。

Now, suppose this support library feature is so common that on single device, if I have 10 apps, then at least 9 are using this same support library, so 9*2 = 18MB on my device is being used by the same support library, which is repeated in every application, which is bad, because for now 18MB might not be so much, but the space required can increase, if you have more applications using that support library.


Thus, the best option is to have that 2MB support library already in your OS for any number of apps, instead of having it for each application. So, support libraries are meant to be used when you really want some efficient features in your app to support older versions.


Another question arise here:


why not this support library is added to the OS as its own update, so that every app without size problems can access that functionality?


The answer is that there could be a lot of errors. Suppose some user doesn't have that update (support library) installed...


There is also the chance that as an update, it may not work as efficient as supposed to be, or may cause problems while integrating with the OS, as we already seen that each OS (windows, Linux, mac) comes with new versions, instead of just giving updates for life time for all new features.


