
由网友(有缘男 free body)分享简介:我知道有关于在Android模拟器安装字体的许多问题。我分享这些工作对我来说作为一个答案的方法,如果任何人有更好的方法请分享。I know there are many questions regarding font installation on android emulator. I'm sharing the...


I know there are many questions regarding font installation on android emulator. I'm sharing the method that worked for me as an answer, if anyone have a better way please share it.


每当机器人未能找到它看起来DroidSansFallback.ttf一个特定的字符,所以你需要做的是重新命名取代仿真器的DroidSansFallback.ttf你需要的语言来DroidSansFallback.ttf TTF字库。请执行下列操作步骤。

Whenever android fails to find a specific character it looks to DroidSansFallback.ttf, so what you need to do is replace the DroidSansFallback.ttf of the emulator by renaming a ttf font of your required language to DroidSansFallback.ttf. Do the following steps.

1.Get市场启用植根Android模拟器。你可以在这里找到一个: 市场生根的启用AVD

1.Get a market enabled rooted android emulator. You can find one here: Rooted Market Enabled AVD

2.Then抢资源管理器应用程序,我preFER rootexplorer。

2.Then grab a explorer app, I prefer rootexplorer.


3.Rename a free ttf font(which you want to install) to DroidSansFallback.ttf.


4.Create an AVD from the image you downloaded in step 1.

5.Push DroidSansFallback.ttf到仿真器通过DDMS中的文件浏览器的SD卡(我使用的Eclipse靛蓝IDE)。

5.Push DroidSansFallback.ttf to the sdcard of emulator via file explorer in DDMS (i'm using Eclipse Indigo IDE).


6.Install rootexplorer (you can use another explorer downloaded via market).

7.Open rootexplorer,单击挂载R / W

7.Open rootexplorer, click mount r/w.

8.Then转到SD卡和复制DroidSansFallback.ttf,然后转到系统中,点击安装R / W

8.Then goto sdcard and copy DroidSansFallback.ttf, then goto system, click mount r/w.


9.Then goto fonts and overwrite the existing DroidSansFallback.ttf.


10.Then give all permissions to the new DroidSansFallback.ttf from permissions option.

就是这样。 我用这个方法来回答一个问题关于Bangla字体Insatallation

That's it. I used this method to answer a question about Bangla Font Insatallation


