最佳实践安卓的onClick XML属性或setOnClickListener?属性、onClick、XML、setOnClickListener

由网友(冷眸)分享简介:我下面谷歌的Andr​​oid教程,并发现有两种方式获取部件回调按标题(或唯一的onClick - 我不知道)。I'm following Google's Android tutorial and discovered that there are two ways you get widget callback...

我下面谷歌的Andr​​oid教程,并发现有两种方式获取部件回调按标题(或唯一的onClick - 我不知道)。

I'm following Google's Android tutorial and discovered that there are two ways you get widget callbacks as per title (or only onClick - I don't know).

我是一名高级的Java Swing开发人员,所以内部类的方式让我有宾至如归的感觉:)不过,据我所知,XML的方法是较新的 - 因此谷歌必须增加它的一个原因。

I'm a Senior Java Swing Developer so the inner class approach make me feel at home :) But I understand that the xml approach is newer - so google must have added it for a reason.


What is the reasoning here? Is it "nicer" to do it this way on the android platform, should the inner class approach now be avoided (on versions that support it)?


我不使用XML 的onClick 属性,因为这意味着活动正在膨胀的XML必须实现的onClick值的方法。但是,如果你做一些重构和更改这个方法,那么你会得到运行时异常,如果所做的更改不相关的XML。或者,如果你想使用一些包括合并

I am not using the XML onClick attribute because that means the Activity that is inflating the XML must implement the onClick value method. But if you do some refactoring and you change this method, then you'll get runtime exceptions if the changes are not correlated to XML. Or if you want to use some include or merge.

要添加更多:如果你使用的碎片,你必须delegate click事件该定义的的onClick XML属性的片段。

To add more: if you use fragments you have to delegate the click event to the fragment that defined onClick XML attribute.


It's less code indeed, but in order to maintain/refactor such code it makes things difficult and open to errors. So don't use it in production code.


