
由网友(放不开最后的温暖)分享简介:可能重复: The连接亚行已关闭,并严重错误发生 我目前正在开发针对Android在Eclipse的最新版本的应用程序。当我试图建立和运行,以下出现:I am currently trying to develop an application for Android in the latest release...

可能重复:   The连接亚行已关闭,并严重错误发生


I am currently trying to develop an application for Android in the latest release of Eclipse. When I try to build and run, the following comes up:

[2011-02-17 17:08:03 - <ProgramName>] The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured.
[2011-02-17 17:08:03 - <ProgramName>] You must restart adb and Eclipse.
[2011-02-17 17:08:03 - <ProgramName>] Please ensure that adb is correctly located at 'C:<sdk-directory>splatform-toolsadb.exe' and can be executed.

现在,我已经更新了ADT插件,我已经在Android SDK的最新版本; adb.exe是,实际上,在平台工具目录和可以被执行。我已经尝试了一切,我发现在谷歌:

Now, I have updated the ADT plugin, I have the latest version of the Android SDK; adb.exe is, in fact, in the platform-tools directory and can be executed. I've tried everything I found on Google:

在我尝试亚行杀服务器和亚行启动服务器 我试图用一种运行,而不启动一个模拟器 我在我的道路给定目录(我试过只用平台工具的路径和我试着用有在我的道路这两个平台,工具和工具)。

注:我运行Windows 7。另外,我有$ P $在Eclipse pviously测试应用程序。这个错误是由于升级SDK新的我。

Notes: I am running Windows 7. Also, I have previously tested apps in Eclipse. This error is new to me since upgrading the SDK.



I just got the same problem and to fix it, I opened the task manager and killed the adb.exe process, then I restarted Eclipse.


