
由网友(填补距离)分享简介:我有以下的code 和我将得到以下效果。不过,我不开心的颜色一致。我想有像However, I am not happy with the c...


            style="?android:attr/listSeparatorTextViewStyle" />



However, I am not happy with the color line. I would like to have something like


I would like it to have blue color line as in holo. I try the following custom style.

<style name="MyOwnListSeperatorTextViewStyle">        
<item name="android:background">@android:drawable/list_section_divider_holo_light</item>        
<item name="android:textAllCaps">true</item>    

<!-- Copy from Widget.TextView.ListSeparator -->

<item name="android:background">@android:drawable/dark_header_dither</item>
    <item name="android:layout_width">match_parent</item>
    <item name="android:layout_height">wrap_content</item>
    <item name="android:textStyle">bold</item>
    <item name="android:textColor">?textColorSecondary</item>
    <item name="android:textSize">14sp</item>
    <item name="android:gravity">center_vertical</item>
    <item name="android:paddingLeft">8dip</item>        


But it won't work, as I get the following error.

错误:错误:资源是不公开的。 (在'机器人:背景,值为@android:绘制/ dark_header_dither')

有想法我怎么可以更改 listSeparatorTextViewStyle

Have idea how can I change the line color used in listSeparatorTextViewStyle?


我需要做这个覆盖典型的全息微调的风格(我不想带下划线的项目 - 我只是想箭头),我认为这可在$ P $重写pcisely相同的方式:

I needed to do this to override the typical Holo Spinner style (I didn't want the underlined item - i just wanted the arrow), and I think this can be overridden in precisely the same manner:


First off, you want to find the item you wish to override in the android styles source. There is an incredibly useful SO answer that contains all of the styles (and the names to override them) right here: Set Dialog theme to parent Theme in Android


<item name="listSeparatorTextViewStyle">@android:style/Widget.Holo.Light.TextView.ListSeparator</item>


This takes us on a journey to find the style Widget.Holo.Light.TextView.ListSeparator which should live somewhere on your very own computer! But I'll make it easy and just c&p it:

<style name="Widget.Holo.Light.TextView.ListSeparator" parent="Widget.TextView.ListSeparator">
    <item name="android:background">@android:drawable/list_section_divider_holo_light</item>


Now, you probably want to leave well enough alone, and just look at that background drawable. You will find it is a grey 9patch file that looks like the sinister grey line you seek to avoid.


We need to override this. I am sure there are a number of ways to do this, but I do so by customizing the theme of the application. Here is the themes.xml file:

<style name="AppTheme" parent="@android:style/Theme.Holo.Light.NoActionBar">
    <item name="android:listSeparatorTextViewStyle">@style/MyOwnListSeperatorTextViewStyle</item>

<style name="MyOwnListSeperatorTextViewStyle" parent="Widget.TextView.ListSeparator">
    <item name="android:background">@drawable/make_your_own_blue_9_patch_here</item>

注意,我们使用了 listSeparatorTextViewStyle 从previous SO张贴?而自定义样式的父母是 Widget.TextView.ListSeparator 从Android的风格源?一切都非常重要。

Notice how we used the listSeparatorTextViewStyle from that previous SO post? And the parent of the custom style is the Widget.TextView.ListSeparator from android's style source? All very important.

现在你只需要将此主题应用到您的应用程序,但我假设你有一个主题了。如果你还没有,你需要的使自己的9patch 的,但我只是想看看你的计算机上的list_section_divider_holo_light.9.png文件,并进行了灰蓝色的部分,然后进行复制,并把它变成自己的可绘制文件夹。

Now you just need to apply this theme to your app, but I am assuming you have a theme already. If you haven't already, you will need to make your own 9patch but I would just look at the list_section_divider_holo_light.9.png file on your computer, and make the grey parts blue, and then make a copy and place it into your own drawables folder.


Hope this works and is helpful!


