Proguard的失败,"不能写资源[META-INF / MANIFEST.MF](重复ZIP条目)"条目、资源、META、Proguard

由网友(教主会发光)分享简介:我用的IntelliJ和运行Proguard的在调试模式,但我似乎无法摆脱的警告,如:I'm using IntelliJ and running Proguard in debug mode but I can't seem to get rid of warnings such as:ProGuard: [My...


I'm using IntelliJ and running Proguard in debug mode but I can't seem to get rid of warnings such as:

ProGuard: [MyApplication] Warning: can't write resource [META-INF/MANIFEST.MF] 
(Duplicate zip entry [android-support-v13.jar:META-INF/MANIFEST.MF])

该项目有几个模块和 Android的支持 - v13.jar 正在对2人使用。我认为这是问题,所以我删除该库从libs文件夹,增加一条,作为一个项目库,并添加了依赖于这两个模块。这并没有解决任何问题,警告仍然存在,我不明白为什么。

This project has a couple of modules and android-support-v13.jar is being used on 2 of them. I thought that was the issue so I removed that library from the libs folder, added it as a project library and added the dependency to both modules. That didn't solve anything, the warning persists and I don't understand why.


I know these warnings don't affect anything but a clean build is a happy build!



Possibly a 'proguard.cfg' problem. Does it include any '-injars'? If your project includes another project as a library, jars can be processed twice. Could you post your 'proguard.cfg'?


您输入罐包含具有相同名称的多个资源文件。   ProGuard的继续复制的资源文件像往常一样,跳过任何   其中$ p $文件pviously使用的名称。再次,该警告可以是   有些问题虽然迹象,所以它的最好移除   重复。一个方便的方法,这样做是对的指定过滤器   输入罐子。没有选项关掉这些警告。

Your input jars contain multiple resource files with the same name. ProGuard continues copying the resource files as usual, skipping any files with previously used names. Once more, the warning may be an indication of some problem though, so it's advisable to remove the duplicates. A convenient way to do so is by specifying filters on the input jars. There is no option to switch off these warnings.


正如你不能发表你的'-injars,检查它们是否包含任何Android的支持,v13.jar或库包含在您的项目,该项目本身还包括Android的支持 - v13.jar。

As you can't post your '-injars', check if they include either 'android-support-v13.jar' or the library included in your project which itself also includes 'android-support-v13.jar'.

假设你正在与蚂蚁的IntelliJ IDEA里面,你必须不加-injars,-outjars,或-libraryjars选项; Ant脚本已经这样做了你。



Although the warnings are harmless, a clean build is a happy build, so try:


包括(!META-INF / MANIFEST.MF)每个-injars命令后,

Include (!META-INF/MANIFEST.MF) after each '-injars' command

-injars library.jar(!META-INF/MANIFEST.MF)

第4个选项: Android的Proguard的重复定义

通过将第三方库到其他目录固定这一点,   我的情况下,'库'。然后添加

Fixed this by moving the 3rd party libraries to another directory, in my case 'lib'. Then added

-injars lib/jmdns.jar 



to the proguard.cfg file.

选项#5: Android的 - Proguard的重复的ZIP条目错误


If your Proguard config file includes the following line, remove it:

-injars bin/classes

选项#6: Android使用ProGuard的不断混淆的jar包混淆的应用程序 - 或者是

我发现了另一个方法,使Proguard的离开图书馆罐子独显   问到preserve自己的包名,例如:


I found another way to make Proguard leave library jars alone was to ask it to preserve their package names, eg:

-keep类的javax ** {。 }   。-keep类组织的* {; }   。-keep类twitter4j 的* {*; }

-keep class javax.** { ; } -keep class org.* { ; } -keep class twitter4j.* { *; }



A weird solution (deleting META-INF folder in src folder) to something similar here.


