
由网友(弄丢了的岁月*)分享简介:我有问题了Android。我开发的设备和有问题的捕捉异常。我跑了一些code在AsyncTask的最后简化到:I got problem with Android. I develop on device and have problem with catching exceptions. I'm running s...


I got problem with Android. I develop on device and have problem with catching exceptions. I'm running some code in AsyncTask and finally simplified it to:

    if (true)
        throw new Exception("ERROR"); 
catch (Exception e)
    Log.e("e", "exception", e);


My problem is that 'e' variable is always null. Not sure what's happening actually. What's more it sometimes works, but I can't say when. I just get up from computer for few minutes come back and boom, it works. Doing coding few minutes and again it's null... There was one question on SO about 1 year ago but noone known answer. Maybe this time someone will have some idea.


I think that it have something to do with AsyncTask as outside of it, I got exception catched properly... still don't have any clue why :( I found it only happens when debbuger is connected. When I take out cable from device it actually catches and exception isn't null anymore...


这是不可能有电子与在该点空值。如果您正在调试使用Eclipse你的应用程序,它会显示在该点的 e.toString()值和 e.toString()将返回

It's impossible to have e with null value at that point. If you are debugging your app using Eclipse, it will show the e.toString() value at that point and the e.toString() is returning null.


Try another test, using this code:

try {
    if (true) {
        throw new Exception("ERROR");
catch (Exception e) {
    if (e == null) {
        Log.e("e", "e is really null!!!");
    else {
        Log.e("e", "e is not null, toString is " + e + " and message is " + e.getMessage());

