
由网友(疯到世界奔溃)分享简介:我有这非常大的错误,在我的应用程序,我真的似乎无法来解决。每当我通过以下code进行REST调用:I have this very big bug in my application that I really can't seem to solve. Whenever I make a rest call via...


I have this very big bug in my application that I really can't seem to solve. Whenever I make a rest call via the following code:

  HttpGet request = new HttpGet(url + getParams());

  HttpParams httpParameters = new BasicHttpParams();
  HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(httpParameters, 5000);
  HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout(httpParameters, 10000);

  DefaultHttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(httpParameters);



I get the error in DDMS:

07-15 11:22:47.448: WARN/System.err(973): org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException: Connect to (some ip-address) timed out


But sometimes the code works perfect and I receive my data as it should. I also tested the rest server call via a normal webbrowser on my computer and that always gives back my data within 100ms. So what am I doing wrong? I also tested it on another device, but that gives me the same problem. I would be SO glad if somebody could solve my problem :)


问题是 DefaultHttpClient 。您使用的是异步?因为 DefaultHttpClient 不是线程安全的,使用它在异步环境中可能会导致问题。我有这个问题,当我的活动开始在同一时间多个HTTP连接,我最终改变其使用的HttpURLConnection 之前。你可以参考这个网站: article.html

The problem is the DefaultHttpClient. Are you using it asynchronously? Since the DefaultHttpClient is not thread-safe, using it in an asynchronous environment might cause a problem. I've had this problem before when my activity started multiple Http connection at the same time and i ended up changing it to use HttpURLConnection. You can refer to this site:


