



如果应用程序崩溃,我不希望应用程序重新启动,而我希望所有的堆栈/任务与此应用程序相关的被消灭的内存。用户可以从重新开始重新启动 如果我不能重新启动prevent的应用程序,至少我想preserve的基​​本数据,以便当应用程序重新启动我可以指定他们回来。此外,当它重新启动我想我的应用程序,从主要活动开始。

我知道,当活动崩溃的android系统将带来堆旁活动的前景,这就是原因我的应用程序产生多余的结果。同时我也通过Android开发者,但我才知道唯一的事情就是建立在清单的属性安卓finishOnTaskLaunch =真正的。但不幸的是,这是毫无帮助我。我想AP preciate您解决这个问题,也让我知道了原因,并分析帮助。


最好的解决办法是,而不是使用静态数据,使用共享preferences 数据库存储数据,如果任何未捕获的异常时,显示如应用程序崩溃和报告发送给管理员,然后重新启动导致崩溃的活动。这样,用户可以继续使用该应用程序。


创建用于处理类 unCaughtException

        java.lang.Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler {
    私人最终类别<> myActivityClass;

    公共MyExceptionHandler(上下文的背景下,类<> C){

        myContext =背景;
        myActivityClass = C;


        通信System.err.println(堆栈跟踪); //你可以使用LogCat中得
        字符串s = stackTrace.toString();
                异常是:+ stackTrace.toString());

和在每一个活动创建这个类的一个对象,并将其设置为 DefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler


怎么在Windows 11上安装Android应用程序

My android app is getting restarted after force close, through my entire application which consist of 20 activities, I am relying on static data created on a main activity. So once the app is getting crashed all my static data is getting lost and when the app auto restarts practically it does not have any essential data to operate upon.

My question is, upon crash i want this things to happen

If the app crashes, I don't want the app to restart rather I want all the stack/task related with this app to be wiped out of memory. A user can restart it from the beginning again If I can't prevent app from restart, at least I want to preserve essential data so that when the app restarts I can assign them back. Also when it restarts I want my app to start from the main activity.

I know when activity crashes android system will bring next activity in stack to foreground, and this is reason for my app producing redundant results. also i went through the android developers but only thing i got to know was setting up an attribute in Manifest android:finishOnTaskLaunch="true". But unfortunately this is of no help to me. I would appreciate your help on solving this issue, and also letting me know the cause and analysis.


Best solution would be instead of using Static data, use Shared Preferences or store data in a Database and if any uncaught Exception occurs, show a message like Application has crashed and a report is sent to the admin and then restart the Activity that caused the Crash. This way user can continue using the application.

Do the same but instead of restarting the Activity which caused the Exception restart the application.

create a class used to handle unCaughtException

public class MyExceptionHandler implements
        java.lang.Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler {
    private final Context myContext;
    private final Class<?> myActivityClass;

    public MyExceptionHandler(Context context, Class<?> c) {

        myContext = context;
        myActivityClass = c;

    public void uncaughtException(Thread thread, Throwable exception) {

        StringWriter stackTrace = new StringWriter();
        exception.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(stackTrace));
        System.err.println(stackTrace);// You can use LogCat too
        Intent intent = new Intent(myContext, myActivityClass);
        String s = stackTrace.toString();
        //you can use this String to know what caused the exception and in which Activity
                "Exception is: " + stackTrace.toString());
        intent.putExtra("stacktrace", s);
        //for restarting the Activity

and in every Activity create an Object of this class and set it as the DefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler

    Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new MyExceptionHandler(this,

    Copyright 2016-2020 新思维的学习:Android应用程序重新启动时崩溃/强制关闭启动时、应用程序、Android、All Right Reserved 浙ICP备20029812号-1