
由网友(待你长发及腰为你剪掉可好)分享简介:我工作的一个活的壁纸是纳入了触摸屏幕的一些水波纹效果,但我有点卡住了。I'm working on a live wallpaper that incorporates some water ripple effects on touching the screen but I'm a little stuck.它...


I'm working on a live wallpaper that incorporates some water ripple effects on touching the screen but I'm a little stuck.


Would it be better to create multiple images and loop through them to create a ripple animation or would it be better to distort the bitmap a bit before I place it on the canvas?


This is a video of a very nice ripple effect done through OpenGL.


I don't have any experience yet with OpenGL and was wondering if it is still possible to create a 2D water effect on the live wallpaper?



I wanted to implemented a realistic ripple effect in Android too, so will share my experience:

作为一个参考实现我拍了尼尔·沃利斯的Java算法中谢尔盖的Chikuyonok JavaScript的端口。这里有一个游乐场,在这里您可以用原来的JS code实验: http://jsfiddle.net/esteewhy/5Ht3b/6/

As a reference implementation i took Sergey's Chikuyonok JavaScript port of Neil Wallis Java algo. Here's a playground where you can experiment with original JS code: http://jsfiddle.net/esteewhy/5Ht3b/6/

起初,我已经移植JS code到Java才知道,有没有办法挤1个多FPS我的华为U8100的硬件。 (这里是几个类似的尝试在网络上的唯一结论是:他们是可笑的慢)

At first, i've ported JS code to Java only to realize that there's no way to squeeze more than 1 fps on my Huawei U8100 hardware. (There're several similar attempts on the net with the only conclusion: they're ridiculously slow).

顺便说一句,这太答案是非常有用的,以了解如何为code在Android中的交互式图形基本的了解: HTTP: //stackoverflow.com/a/4946893/35438 。我已经从那里借来的FPS计数器。

BTW, this SO answer was quite useful to get basic understanding of how to code an interactive graphics in Android: http://stackoverflow.com/a/4946893/35438. I've borrowed fps counter from there.

然后我决定尝试的Andr​​oid NDK重新实现原来的算法中的纯C(与它在10+年我第一次遇到!)。尽管NDK的文档是有些混乱(尤其是需求和prerequisites),这一切工作就像一个魅力,所以我能够实现高达每秒30帧 - 它可能不会太IM pressive,但仍,彻底改善了Java的code。

Then i decided to try Android NDK to reimplement original algo in pure C (my first encounter with it in 10+ yrs!). Despite NDK's docs being somewhat confusing (especially as to requirements and prerequisites), it all worked like a charm, so i was able to achieve up to 30 fps -- it might not be too impressive, but still, a radical improvement over Java code.

最后,我已经把我所有的作品在网上: https://github.com/esteewhy/whater ,所以感觉自由与发挥。它包含:

Finally, i've put all my work online: https://github.com/esteewhy/whater , so feel free to play with that. It contains:

在互动弹跳球code以上(仅供参考)提到的。 在水波纹的Java接口(慢的像地狱!) 在水波纹C实现(需要NDK编译和JDK创建的.h文件)。


(The project is not "clean", i.e.: all binaries are there, so can try to run it "as is" even without NDK.)


