的IntelliJ 12 + ActionBarSherlock setttings:找不到类的android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity“找不到、ActionBa

由网友(所念皆星河)分享简介:有无数的Q&安培; A约的IntelliJ 12 + ABS(ActionBarSherlock)设置There are numerous Q&A about IntelliJ 12 + ABS(ActionBarSherlock) settings.相似的情况下,以this问题但显示不同的错误。similar...

有无数的Q&安培; A约的IntelliJ 12 + ABS(ActionBarSherlock)设置

There are numerous Q&A about IntelliJ 12 + ABS(ActionBarSherlock) settings.


similar case to this question but shows different errors.

综合编译和奔跑都用标签导航( SherlockActivity实现ActionBar.TabListener )提供了以下错误和崩溃OK,但唯一的活动。 请注意,我可以使用一般的 SherlockActivity 显示良好。

Overall compilation and runnings are OK but only Activity using Tab Navigation(SherlockActivity implements ActionBar.TabListener) gives following error and crash. Note that I can use general SherlockActivity shows well.

找不到类android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity,从法com.actionbarsherlock.internal.app.ActionBarWrapper $ TabWrapper.onTabReselected引用每个重写的方法( onTabUnselected onTabSelected onTabReselected )。

"Could not find class 'android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity', referenced from method com.actionbarsherlock.internal.app.ActionBarWrapper$TabWrapper.onTabReselected" on every overriden methods (onTabUnselected, onTabSelected, onTabReselected).


It seems like android-support-v4 is not sucessfully referenced but hard to find with check/uncheck trial-and-errors.


My IntelliJ project settings are as below.


1. Library is a name of ABS library folder.


2. My project settings.

我同时设置的android支持-V4到的提供的的。 我可以做更多?

I set both android-support-v4 to provided. What can I do more?

有人回答说删除Android的支持-V4 ,以我自己的项目,但它显示了进口android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransaction引用错误,因为实现ActionBar.TabListener 需要它。

Some answers said to remove android-support-v4 to my own project but it shows reference errors on import android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransaction because implements ActionBar.TabListener requires it.


这个配置不正确, Android的支持-V4 库的范围必须设置为编译,因为它不是在Android present,必须包含在你的应用程序。

This configuration is not correct, the scope of the android-support-v4 library must be set to Compile as it's not present on Android and must be included in your application.

的第二个副本 Android的支持-V4 必须从应用程序的依赖删除,它会通过有导出启用 Android的支持-V4 。

Second copy of android-support-v4 must be removed from the application dependencies, it will be available to your application via a library module that has Export option enabled for android-support-v4.


