
由网友(剃度,是为了遗忘)分享简介:所以我知道它是推荐使用的,而不是串行化的机器人Parcelable,因为它更快。So i know it is recommended to use Parcelable instead of Serializable in android, because it is faster.我的问题是:是无法避免使用序列...


So i know it is recommended to use Parcelable instead of Serializable in android, because it is faster.


My question is: is that impossible to avoid using Serializable right?


If I have a custom object i want to serialize, let's say I have the following class definition

public class Person {
   String name;
   int Age;

进行此parcelable很容易,因为Person类包含的类型parcel.write *()支持,即有parcel.writeString和parcel.writeInt

Making this parcelable is easy, because the Person class contains the types parcel.write*() supports, i.e. there is parcel.writeString and parcel.writeInt


Now, what if the Person class is the following:

public class PersonTwo {
   MyCustomObj customObj;
   String name;
   int Age;

我怎么猜想包裹MyCustomObj对象? 看来我需要使用序列化了吗?但同样,我认为它是缓慢的使用序列化,似乎我们没有选择,只能使用它在这种情况下。

How am I suppose to parcel the MyCustomObj object?? It seems I need to use serializable again? but again, I thought it is SLOW to use serializable, and seems we have no choice but to use it in this case.



can someone tell me how I would parcel PersonTwo in this case?


由阿贾伊给出的链接是确切的,你在找什么,你如何能做到这一点。 那么,你能做的就是执行 Parcelable CustomObject1 并创建一个 Parcelable 类,然后您可以使用 Parcelable 包裹是 Parcelable 类,将包裹均 CustomObjects

The link given by Ajay is the exact what you are looking for, how you can do it. Well, what you can do is implement Parcelable to your CustomObject1 and create a Parcelable class for it and then you can use that Parcelable class to Parcel it inside another Parcelable class that will Parcel both the CustomObjects.

public class CustomObject1 implements Parcelable {

   // parcelable code CustomObject1

public class CustomObject2 implements Parcelable {

    private CustomObject1 obj1;

   // add  CustomObject1 here with getter setter
   // parcelable code for CustomObject2 

    public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
        dest.writeParcelable(obj1, flags);
    private void readFromParcel(Parcel in) {
        obj1 = in.readParcelable(CustomObject1.class.getClassLoader());