
由网友(要活成两种样子)分享简介:所以我建立的一个主要面向移动Safari浏览器一个不错的,有光泽的HTML5应用程序,Android的默认浏览器。 Android的版本,我在测试它是2.1和2.2。So I've built a nice, shiny HTML5 application that is targeted at mobile Saf...

所以我建立的一个主要面向移动Safari浏览器一个不错的,有光泽的HTML5应用程序,Android的默认浏览器。 Android的版本,我在测试它是2.1和2.2。

So I've built a nice, shiny HTML5 application that is targeted at mobile Safari, and Android's default browser. The Android versions I'm testing it on are 2.1 and 2.2.


My app has a textarea on one of its pages, and this textarea tends to have a good amount of text in it at times. Its basically a free-form writing field.


This works as expected in iOS. However on Android, as you type, the screen scrolls wildly up and down on every keystroke, often you can't see what it is you're typing as you type, and you get dizzy from all the jumping around. Furthermore, if the content within the textarea exceeds its height, it appears to be impossible to scroll within it.


Don't even get me started on landscape mode. The above issues are even more pronounced there.


This feels like a bug with Android as there really isn't anything fancy about my textarea. I've stripped it down to the bare essentials, and it behaves the same.


Wondering if anyone else has had this much fun with their textareas on Android, and could maybe give some advice, or at least empathize?

看来,谷歌已经成功地大多是解决这个的Gmail网络界面为Android。我猜有一些JS魔法怎么回事,因为我的标记/ CSS是相同的。

It seems that Google has managed to mostly solve this in the Gmail web interface for Android. I'm guessing there's some JS magic going on because my markup/CSS is identical.


解决方案: 三维WebKit是在Android的打破,这是造成这个问题。请确保您不使用WebKit的变换:translate3d(0,0,0);或-webkit-背面能见度:隐藏;在任何有关的投入。 :(

SOLUTION: The 3D webkit is broken in Android, this is causing this problem. Make sure you are not using -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); or -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; on anything related to the inputs. :(


