安卓:高通的QCAR(Vuforia)的SDK min3D框架(或其他三维模型/动漫装载机/渲染器)或其他、装载机、高通、框架

由网友(懷抱意中人)分享简介:我想使用高通公司的扩增实境SDK(Vuforia)与 min3D 库和加载动画与MD2文件。我如何可以合并QCAR(Vuforia)与min3D?如何分配QCAR(Vuforia)来min3D投影和模型视图矩阵?这样的场景渲染正确的min3d.glsurfaceview?有没有人开发了一个例子吗?你的经验如何?I w...

我想使用高通公司的扩增实境SDK(Vuforia)与 min3D 库和加载动画与MD2文件。我如何可以合并QCAR(Vuforia)与min3D?如何分配QCAR(Vuforia)来min3D投影和模型视图矩阵?这样的场景渲染正确的min3d.glsurfaceview?有没有人开发了一个例子吗?你的经验如何?

I would like to use Qualcomm's Augmented Reality SDK (Vuforia) with the min3D library and load animations with md2 files. How can I merge QCAR (Vuforia) with min3D? How assigning the projection and modelview matrix of QCAR (Vuforia) to min3D? So that the scene is rendered correct in min3d.glsurfaceview? Has anyone developed an example? How is your experience?

编辑:对于实例和经验,与其他第三方渲染图书馆的如 jPCT-AE 或 ModelRenderer ,我也很感激。

For examples and experiences with other 3rd party rendering librarys like jPCT-AE or ModelRenderer, i am also very grateful.


我同样的事情,瑜伽师说:没有。 jpct-AE qcar 一起是真棒。我使用了一个 GLSurfaceView 并带来了模型视图矩阵和从本地code到Java实际的视频分辨率。然后你就可以很容易地加载 MD2 动画文件一起。

I did the same thing as "yogi" said. jpct-ae and qcar together are awesome. I used a single GLSurfaceView and brought the ModelView matrix and the actual video resolution from native code to Java. Then you can easily load an md2 file along with animation.


You can watch the result here:



