
由网友(安然.)分享简介:我试图运行自带了Android 2.2模拟器语音记录器。问题是,现在我点击记录按钮:I am trying to run the Speech Recorder that comes with the Android 2.2 emulator. The problem is that the moment I cli...

我试图运行自带了Android 2.2模拟器语音记录器。问题是,现在我点击记录按钮:

I am trying to run the Speech Recorder that comes with the Android 2.2 emulator. The problem is that the moment I click the "Record" button:


It aborts with an error message "The application Speech Recorder (process com.android.speechrecorder) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again."


The problem is that trying again doesn't help.


Now, I searched StackOverflow and I combed the entire Internet and I found many reports of the same problem, without any working solution.


My conclusion is that, for some strange reason, the Android emulator is capable of using the Windows audio device for output, but not for input.



I know that other virtualization software (e.g. VMWare) have no problem using both output and input sections of the host's audio device.


Also, if Speech Recorder never worked for the emulator for anyone, why put it there?


Surely this has worked for someone. Is there a way to make Speech Recorder work for me, too?

我使用Windows XP 32-bit和我的AVD中定义了一个SD卡(安装在开始)。

I am using Windows XP 32-bit and my AVD is defined with an SD card (mounted upon start).

更新:我遵循的建议下@Klaus,试图看到任何异常是否抛出。我只需键入这样做的 ddms.bat 在命令行启动DDMS的单机版(带显示器的logcat在底部)。果然,我在单击录制按钮,出现以下异常:

Update: I followed the suggestion by @Klaus to try and see whether any exceptions are thrown. I did so by simply typing ddms.bat at the command line to launch a stand-alone version of DDMS (with a logcat display at the bottom). Sure enough, I receive the following exception upon clicking the "Record" button:

03-29 14:16:58.195: ERROR/AudioRecord(303): Could not get audio input for record source 1
03-29 14:16:58.195: ERROR/srec_jni(303): initCheck error -22 
03-29 14:16:58.205: DEBUG/SpeechRecorderActivity(303): run audio capture thread
03-29 14:16:58.205: WARN/dalvikvm(303): threadid=8: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x4001d800)
03-29 14:16:58.215: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(303): FATAL EXCEPTION: Thread-9
03-29 14:16:58.215: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(303): java.lang.NullPointerException
03-29 14:16:58.215: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(303):     at com.android.speechrecorder.SpeechRecorderActivity$4.run(SpeechRecorderActivity.java:192)
03-29 14:16:58.285: WARN/ActivityManager(59):   Force finishing activity com.android.speechrecorder/.SpeechRecorderActivity
03-29 14:16:58.904: DEBUG/dalvikvm(59): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 13324 objects / 656184 bytes in 197ms
03-29 14:16:59.915: INFO/ARMAssembler(59): generated scanline__00000077:03515104_00000000_00000000 [ 33 ipp] (47 ins) at [0x20db68:0x20dc24] in 1247352 ns
03-29 14:17:05.251: DEBUG/SpeechRecorderActivity(303): stopRecording


How do I proceed from here? I didn't write the Speech Recorder app, so I don't know what causes the NullPointerException at SpeechRecorderActivity.java line 192. I believe this has something to do with an earlier logcat message:

无法获取音频输入备案   源1

Could not get audio input for record source 1



Why wasn't it able to "get audio input for record source 1"?



The reason you're having this issue is that the emulator doesn't have an audioInput to hook. Your best bet is to plug a real device in and do testing there.


