由网友(他走了我是最后一个知道的)分享简介:这是例子JSON对象,如下所示:[{标题:李四,地址:{AddressLines:世贸天阶,123新的地方,伦敦,英伦],邮报code:NW7 XXY"},"Telephone":"0012345","Email":"","Latitude":51.5024472101345,"Longitude":-0.557585...


  [{标题:李四,地址:{AddressLines:世贸天阶,123新的地方,伦敦,英伦],邮报code:NW7 XXY"},"Telephone":"0012345","Email":"","Latitude":51.5024472101345,"Longitude":-0.557585646554,"Easting":500623,"Northing":179647}]


















php array string的问题 array的email目的是接受用户输入的,然后members.php是用来印那个array的,但在运行的时候显示错误...members.php的代码是 php echo



    公众的String [] AddressLines;


    公共字符串的getPost code(){

    公共无效setPost code(字符串后code){
        帖子code =交code;

    公众的String [] getAddressLines(){

    公共无效setAddressLines(字符串addressLines []){
        AddressLines = addressLines;



  LocationData []数据= gson.fromJson(this.locationServiceUrl,LocationData []类。);


预计BEGIN_ARRAY但串在上述行code。我不知道,如果有什么不对的,其中我已经建立了我的课的方式。注:我使用的是阵列(LocationData []数据),因为该服务将返回多个位置,虽然我刚才包括一名在上面的例子。任何帮助,为什么发生这种情况是非常AP preciated。我看过一些类似的错误在这里,但没有提供修复程序似乎为我工作。


            地址: {
            经度: -  0.557585646554,


 公共类mainData {

    公开名单< LocationData>最后;

    公众的String [] getLocationData(){

    公共无效setLocationData(名单< LocationData>最后){
        this.finally =最后;

那是因为你的字符串开头 [当你解析这种类型的Json与GSON的,那么你需要preFIX一个标签,它只是我喜欢没有( {终于:你的数据} )。

其实GSON试图映射标签和它的价值,但在你的情况你的 [犯规含有标签由GSON可以映射。

An example JSON object is shown below:

[{"Title":"John Doe","Address":{"AddressLines":["The Place","123 New Place","London","England"],"Postcode":"NW7 XXY"},"Telephone":"0012345","Email":"","Latitude":51.5024472101345,"Longitude":-0.557585646554,"Easting":500623,"Northing":179647}]

Suppose the above object is accessed via the link www.domain.com and I have the following class to represent the data

public class LocationData extends Data{

    private Address Address;
    private String Telephone;
    private String Email;
    private String Latitude;
    private String Longitude;
    private String Easting;
    private String Northing;

    public Address getAddress() {
        return Address;

    public void setAddress(Address address) {
        Address = address;

    public String getTelephone() {
        return Telephone;

    public void setTelephone(String telephone) {
        Telephone = telephone;

    public String getEmail() {
        return Email;

    public void setEmail(String email) {
        Email = email;

    public String getLatitude() {
        return Latitude;

    public void setLatitude(String latitude) {
        Latitude = latitude;

    public String getLongitude() {
        return Longitude;

    public void setLongitude(String longitude) {
        Longitude = longitude;

    public String getEasting() {
        return Easting;

    public void setEasting(String easting) {
        Easting = easting;

    public String getNorthing() {
        return Northing;

    public void setNorthing(String northing) {
        Northing = northing;


And the address class is as follows:

public class Address {

    public String[] AddressLines;

    public String Postcode;

    public String getPostcode() {
        return Postcode;

    public void setPostcode(String postcode) {
        Postcode = postcode;

    public String[] getAddressLines() {
        return AddressLines;

    public void setAddressLines(String addressLines[]) {
        AddressLines = addressLines;


When I try to run

LocationData[] data = gson.fromJson(this.locationServiceUrl, LocationData[].class);
return data;

I get the following error:

Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was string at the above mentioned line of code. I am not sure if there is something wrong in the manner in which I have set up my classes. Note: I am using an array (LocationData[] data) because the service returns multiple locations although I have just included one in the example shown above. Any help as to why this is happening is much appreciated. I have looked at some of the similar errors on here but none of the fixes provided seem to work for me.


            "Title":"John Doe",
            "Address": {
                    "The Place",
                    "123 New Place",

and code to parse this JSON is :

public class mainData {

    public List<LocationData> finally;

    public String[] getLocationData() {
        return AddressLines;

    public void setLocationData(List<LocationData> finally) {
        this.finally = finally;

it is because your string starting with [ when you parsing this type of Json with Gson then you need to prefix a label to it just i like did ( {"finally": your data }).

Actually Gson trying to map the label and its value but in your case your [ doesnt contain Label by which Gson can map.


