
由网友(此用户被屏蔽)分享简介:当我尝试在AVD管理器创建一个AVD,我不能确定按钮未变灰。When I try to create an AVD in the AVD manager, I can't get the OK button un-greyed.我的问题听起来类似于AVD管理器 - 无法创建但遗憾的是该解决方案是不一样的Andr​​...


When I try to create an AVD in the AVD manager, I can't get the OK button un-greyed.

我的问题听起来类似于AVD管理器 - 无法创建但遗憾的是该解决方案是不一样的Andr​​oid虚拟设备,或将它已经固定。我查了一下这里的答案提供的,而且我已经安装了 ARM EABI V7A系统映像

My problem sounds similar to AVD Manager - Cannot Create Android Virtual Device but sadly the solution is not the same, or it would be fixed already. I checked the answer offered here, and I have already installed ARM EABI v7a System Image.

从我至今读,我怀疑的问题是,我的CPU / ABI的下拉列表是空的。

From what I've read so far, I suspect the problem is that my CPU/ABI dropdown list is empty.


Unfortunately, I haven't figured out what to do to fix that.

更新:我发现我可以通过选择preSET手机类型之一,填补了CPU / ABI下拉

Update: I've found that I can fill the CPU/ABI dropdown by selecting one of the preset phone types.



If I select one of the pre-set options in the Device dropdown, all of the other fields autofill. It is possible to create new Device types using the Device Definitions tab of the AVD Manager.


