卸载旧的Andr​​oid SDK版本版本、Andr、oid、SDK

由网友(网络请求超时)分享简介:我安装了Android SDK和它采取近700 GB我的(比较小)的SSD。I installed Android SDK and it's taking almost 7 GB on my (relatively small) SSD.当我打开 Android的SDK管理器我可以看到,一切都安装了更旧的API版本...

我安装了Android SDK和它采取近700 GB我的(比较小)的SSD。

I installed Android SDK and it's taking almost 7 GB on my (relatively small) SSD.

当我打开 Android的SDK管理器我可以看到,一切都安装了更旧的API版本。

When I open Android SDK Manager I can see that everything is installed even older API versions.


我可以安全地卸载所有版本,并只保留最新一期(17 API在我的情况)?

Can I safely un-install all the versions and only keep the latest one (API 17 in my case) ?

我用Andoid SDK工具来开发Android应用的Eclipse。

I use Andoid SDK Tools to develop Android Apps with eclipse.




Just delete the packages you want to uninstall.

您可能仍然希望保留一些旧的SDK的,以尽量较低平台的应用程序。我个人保持GB(API 10),ICS(API 14)和JB(API 17)。

You may still want to retain some of the older SDK's so as to try your apps on lower platform. I personally keep GB(API 10), ICS(API 14) and JB(API 17).


Also what you can try is just move the whole android SDK folder to a new location with relatively large storage, and then specify the new path in preferences in eclipse. Will save you some bandwidth, in case you later need those API's. My friend just copies from mine. Data here is very costly :(


You can deploy it, but you would have to mention it(that you want to run on lower APIs) on your manifest file. Also any API above the targeted device will not run and will interfere with your app design. Search for android TargetSDK version and MinimunSDK version.


